Chapter 9

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*bryan's POV*

We found a village after 3 hours of walking around, inpu helped me hide my tails, sadly my ears wouldnt go away so had to wear a hat- bri was done within 2 seconds with her wings, i helped inpu hide his after he helped me, luckly the snow covered us so the humans couldnt see us.
We walked into the village and looked around for a bit, there were a lot of tiny shops and children running around, one of the kids bumped into me and i catched them before they fell, i asked if they were ok- they nodded and thanked me then ran off back to their friends, it started to get dark so we decided to get a room at a hotel for the night, i mean everthings better then the cold floor or a cave right? We went to the nearest hotel and asked for a room with 3 beds, they gave us a key and i payed for the room, we went upstairs and the room was actually pretty clean, bri claimed a bed and then we noticed there was a 2 persons bed instead of 3 seperate ones, bri chuckled while looking at us, i mean we slept together before then why not now- i jumped on to the bed and looked at inpu.

He was just staring into the distance not even paying attantion, i took off my hat and shook my head, i looked back at bri and she was already alseep- how? Dont ask bri has always been a fast sleeper and a heavy one too- waking her up is a hell-
"im gonna sleep on the floor-"
next to you're divorce papers?
Thats what u thought get up here you simp, he actually listened to me and climbed onto the bed and layed down next to me, i smiled and layed down next to him, i grabbed one of his tails and went to sleep, fluffy!

*inpu's POV*

I just got roasted by my hudband TwT, and now he doesnt wanna let go of my tail- whatever im just gonna go to sleep, tomorrow is gonna be a rough day- i closed my eyes but not two seconds later i hear a click- i looked up to see bri taking pictures of us- i was so flipping flustered- i wanna beat her up till she deletes those pictures but i dont wanna wake up bryan TwT,
"And send"
Oh lord wanna bet she send those pictures to magnus- i swear to god im gonna die when i get back- i dont even wanna know how mad they even are about the fact that i left them behind without saying anything-

*time skip next early in the morning*

*Bryans POV*

*yawn* nggghhhhh why is it so bright, i sit up and look around, i see we forgot to cloee the blinds last night- the sky is beautiful, its pink red orangish, and the sun is still low, and the snow is shining so cool, kids are already playing in the snow which suprises me since its like 7 am- bri is out too already i see- how i know? Because she aint in her bed and the bathroom door is closed- *sigh* i lay back down and lay next to inpu, hes so warm- sleep huggie :3 *hugs* oh nooooo now im stuckkkkkkkk aaaah!, inou grabbed my arm and doesnt let go- welp back to sleep i go i will be here for a while now XD. *click* oh why now,

"laying nice there lil bro?"

*nods* save meeeee


Bitc- then i manage to get my arm back, yes! Im outttt- *stands up and stretches* man im stiff, *turns around* jesus christ- since when are you awake-

*for a while now*

I- wait-u mother fuc- QwQ my poor arm had to suffer-


Rude! Imma change brb, *grabs clothes and walks into the bathroom* so whats our plan, go further north? Or?

"I mean i guess dear, because kitsunes life in cold areas- and where we are heading now is the last place they were seen-"

Good to know i guess-

"Hey lil bro have you seen my hat?"

Nope why? Dont say you lost it-

"I lost it-"

Bruh- *looks around in the bathroom* bri its litarly in here-

"Can i have it-"

Sure wait a sec, *puts on their clothing* here-

"Thank chu"

=_= *starts brushing hair and teeth* inpu are you gonna get ready too dear- we are heading out soon.


*sigh* i swear to god-

*knock knock*

Bri could you open the door? And inpu under the blankets-

"Sure, hello sir do you need something?"

^well i was coming here to warn you guys about the cops^

"The cops? What about them"

^they heard you guys were in town, their on their way here!^

"Wait what why!?"

^they think you guys arent good people- since a few people came to them last night saying you guys werent up to good-^

"What the hecc why- i mean we are only here for 1 night we are trying to find someone"

^i mean you guys seem like good people, i dont see it that you guys are up to no good to be honest- you guys seem like nice people^

"Thank you for warning us sir! We will be on our way soon!"

^no problem stay save^

"You too!"

*door closes*

"We have to get out of here NOW!"

i heard inpu out of bed clothes on lets go!

"Im on it!"

Bri get all our stuff before they are here, im keeping wat-

*door breaks*


(980 words)

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