We are a family!

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(Name pov)

      It's been 3 months since I started living with them. I couldn't be happier that I met them. Oliver is like a mother constantly baking cakes and cupcakes, and making dresses for me. François is like a father teaching me how to use a gun to protect myself, and calling to see if we're okay while he's out on business. Matt is like a big brother always being caring and understanding. Allen is like a younger brother playing video games and whining.

      I really have found a place where I can be myself and belong in I love being here I want this to last as long as possible I want to care for them more each day. I've bonded with them and don't think I can just leave them it would kill me I would miss them to much. Oliver's cooking I don't know if I can eat anything else now. Matt's comfort during nightmares and panic attacks I wouldn't snap out of it without him there.

Then there's Allen's baseball games and playing games with him. I'll never have that much fun with anything else. François teaching me self defense I can't protect myself without that. I'm happy here it's my family now. I looked at the photo the five of us had taken not long ago and smiled I love it. I let out a tear fall. So what am I supposed to do. What do I tell them, how do I tell them.

I got accepted into my dream college. I'm going to study my career. It's across the country far away from my family. I don't want to leave them and their comfort. Will they be mad at me for leaving I'm torn apart myself. They always said to do what I wanted but what is it that I want to do. I want to go but I don't. I went downstairs with my acceptance letter all of them were there I asked them to be here for this. I told them I had a supprise I was shaking as I went downstairs.

I sat down across from them. "Guys I got accepted into the best college ever, but I have to leave you guys." I cried and shaked

I couldn't take the pain I felt in my heart. They all hugged me and said congrats. They weren't mad they were happy I Smiled Matt and Al even helped me pack. François paid for my tuition fee, and on the night before I had to leave Oliver baked a cake for me.

They all came to drop me off at the airport.  I said goodbye to all of them hugging them and smiling I would visit for the holidays. Matt and François might visit me if there on business and I Can Skype Oliver and Al, so it shouldn't be so bad. As they called for my flight we shared one last group hug before I was rushed by the girl in charge of the flight. I gave her my suitcase and looked at them "Guys I can't wait to see you again because we are a family." I gave them a smile and got on the plane.


I have an idea for a sequel and maybe some romance between 2pcanada and the reader the story would be an interactive story and more 2ps would make appearances please comment if you want a sequel.

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