Chapter 10: There's One Less Star In The City

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"(Y/N)! Wake up it's almost noon." Someone was shaking her. (Y/N)'s eyes fluttered open. She looked around. The place was familiar. It was where Kaze and her stayed in Meteor City. "(Y/N)! I'm right here. Are you okay?"

(Y/N) looked at the person, squinting her eyes, he became clear. "Kaze?"

"Who else would it be?"

"Ehh, my dad?" She joked.

"Come on, today's one of the only days I get the full day off."

"Alright, alright. Let me get ready." Within a few moments, (Y/N) walked out the door.

"You're missing something." He stood up from the bed and sauntered over. He took out a clip and placed it on her hair. "Much better."

(Y/N) looked in the mirror and touched the clip in her hair. Its design was a simple cherry blossom petal. She pouted. "You know you don't have to get me any accessories."

"But your 15th birthday is coming up. Just a few more days before Winter ends."

"I guess it is."

"Is there something wrong?"

"No. I just never do anything for you." (Y/N) said, looking away.

"Your fan is enough for me... and your presence! I wouldn't ask for anything else. I mean there is one thing..." he trailed off.

"What is it?" (Y/N) asked with anticipation.

"Ahh, never mind." Kaze said.

"Come on, I'll do it or get it." The two walked outside where they were met with the fallen city.

Kaze's phone rang. "Hello? I thought I told you that today-" His eyes widened. "Where are you?" He closed his phone. "Sorry, (Y/N)." He gave a soft smile. "I have to go back to work. My friends are pretty needy." He awkwardly laughed.

"Oh okay." (Y/N) said with a bit of disappointment. And with that Kaze left. (Y/N) walked back into their house and laid down on the bed again. She took off the pin to examine it. It was infused with nen. She tried breaking the seal, but it didn't work.

Hours passed and the door opened. "Took you long enough."

Kaze looked in her direction. "Ah sorry, I guess I did take the whole day."

Days passed and winter turned to spring. Kaze was out for most of the day and (Y/N) was left with nothing to do except refine her nen. Then her birthday came.

"Happy Birthday (Y/N)! We're gonna go out today!" Kaze cheered.

"Where are we going?"

"How about Yorknew City?"

"Isn't that far?"

"We'll manage. Learning teleportation has it perks."

"It takes a lot of your aura though, especially transporting two people."

"No worries I've been practicing."

"If you say so." (Y/N) held onto Kaze and closed her eyes. In seconds, they teleported to Yorknew City. "Wow, so this is Yorknew City." (Y/N) looked around her. Then she saw a small bakery. She pointed towards it. "There! Can we go there?" Kaze nodded. The two ordered their cakes and sat outside. "Have you tried this yet?"

Kaze shook his head. "The only place I've ever teleported to was Heaven's Arena."

(Y/N) shoved a bite of cake in her mouth. "It's so good." Kaze laughed at her. They started walking around the city until nightfall.

"Sheesh, when did you get so much energy."

(Y/N) thought for a bit. "It's only today."

"I'll teleport us to the outskirts of Meteor City. We can walk back no problem."

"Okay. I would rather walk back anyways. Yorknew City doesn't have any stars, only the moon."

They teleported to the outskirts of Meteor City. The moon wasn't too far into the sky, about 8 at night.

Just then, Kaze's phone rang. He looked over to (Y/N). "It's okay, I'll go ahead. You can pick up your call. The day is almost over anyways." He gave an apologetic smile before picking up the call.

(Y/N) strolled back to their house. Maybe I should get a job or take the Hunter Exam already.

It's been an hour since Kaze hasn't been back. She heard a loud crash from outside. Curious, she walked outside and was met with a warm wind. She recognized the wind from anywhere. She ran to where she heard the crash. There she saw Kaze again. In the same condition, in the same position, under the same full moon, and under the same cherry blossom tree, except this time it was blossoming. "Kaze!" (Y/N) ran to him.

He painfully smiled. "The moon sure is bright tonight, don't you think?"

"Kaze, what happened."

"Listen to me, (Y/N)." Kaze said. "You must answer my question no matter what."

"Kaze, this isn't time for that. Let's get you back."

"What do you want the most, what do you desire the most?" (Y/N)'s eyes widened. "Answer the question."

She looked down and whispered. "I want to stay with you forever because you're the only person I know."

"Are you sure (Y/N)? Or is it because I made you feel wanted when no one else would."

"Kaze..." The cherry blossom petals started falling.

"Remember when you wanted to do something for me."

"Yea..." (Y/N) breathed out.

"What I really desire this spring is for you to not be alone."

"I won't be alone. I'll never be alone. Not when you're still here."

"You know it better than me. One person is not enough."


"I want you to meet my friends and befriend them... Phantom Troupe." He slowly started to fade into the falling cherry blossoms.

"But didn't they kill you?!"

He laughed. "It was my fault. I killed one of them because he was my uprising and my downfall." He looked up at (Y/N). "Goodbye (Y/N)."

(Y/N) tried to reach for him, but it was no use. "Kaze! Wait, don't leave me! I have so much to say to you. Lost time! Lost time!" Her nen ability didn't activate. "Why aren't you going back in time!" She cried.

"(Y/N)! (Y/N)!" Someone shouted. (Y/N) jolted awake. She felt something streaming down her cheek. She touched it and felt something wet. She looked around to see everyone hiding behind something.

"She's scary in her sleep." Nobunaga said.

"No joke." Shalnark said. "She just started throwing her daggers and shouting the name of a past member and what was that phrase... 'lost time'?"

She then remembered. 'The spring breeze's desires come under the moonlight.' He wanted me to befriend Phantom Troupe?

Waiting for Spring || Chrollo Lucilfer x ReaderTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon