Mason Rudolph

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for ATLPrincess7959 

I can't stop replaying the fight in my head. How could someone use a helmet as a weapon against someone? It wasn't even his helmet to use! I had to purge these thoughts as best I could from my head as I went down to the field with my pass that Mason had given me before the game.

"Stephanie, can you come here?" Coach Tomlin asks me as I walk through the players to find my husband.

"Yes, coach?"

"I know you have medical training, can you please watch him for us on the way back? The team doctors won't be able to get through his thick skull what he needs to do, and they don't know him like you do if I am being completely honest."

"Of course coach, anything for Mason."

"Thank you, Stephanie."

I nod, and continue the search for my husband.

As we board the plane, I watch him to see if he is showing any signs of nausea from his head hit. They say he doesn't have a concussion, but I still want to keep an eye on him. 

"Babe, I can feel your stares. I feel fine, you don't have to worry." He turns to me and he smiles at me that signature smirk of his.

"I know, you know how I am. I just want to be careful, Mase."

"I know, I love you for it."

"I love you too."

We board the plane, and I notice him start looking not so good. He is pale, and sweating profusely.

"Mason, are you feeling okay?"

"Yeah, Steph why?" His voice is raspy and hoarse.

"Baby, you can't fool anyone, let alone your wife."

I reach for my bag, as I carry over the counter meds for nausea and such in there. I grab him some nausea pills, and some ibuprofen to take along with his drink from the airport shop.

"Take these, they will make you feel better."

"Okay, but only cause it's you giving them to me."

"Thank you, love."

He starts to look better as the flight goes on. He finally stops sweating right before we land in Cleveland, relieving some of my stress over his condition. 

"Baby, I love that you take care of me."

"Well, I love that you let me."

"I have ideas for a Halloween costume for this year."

"Better not be the outlet and socket again." I say as we start waking with our suitcases.

"No, this one is kinda relevant to our current situation. I could be your patient, and you could be a nurse."

"No we are not doing sexy nurse and patient Mason!"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 12, 2021 ⏰

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