◇Chapter 11◇

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Unkown's pov:

Ugh, I can believe he force me to go to school. Just to find a stupid girl. What makes her so special anyway. My thoughts were then interrupted by my phone. It must be him then. I mean who else could it be.

"Are you at the wretched school yet?" He huff through the phone

"Yeah, just arrive," I said as I got off my bike

As soon as I remove my helmet, I heard a lot of girls screaming. Are human girls always this loud? And what are they screaming about anyway...

"Good. Remember the plan. Make that girl fall in love with you," he said

"You still haven't explain to me why must she like me. I thought your main goal was to destroy her before she is able to destroy you," I said as I slowly walk to school as I pretend to check my looks

"I will when she's in love with you completely or else. Got it. That is still my goal. I have already finished her parents and soon, she's next so be patient," he said, angrily

"Ugh, fine. I need to register to this damn school first," I huff as I ended the call

I swear if he wasn't the leader, I would have kill him by now. The all mighty leader just wants to take after his dear old dad. Ugh, this better be worth it or else, I'll destroy earth immediately. I continue walking and made my way to the principle office. I knock on the door and it open with with the principal standing behind it

"Mr tuan, welcome to our school," the principle said, smiling

I fake smile at him as he allowed me to enter his office. Alright, let's see if I can use this as my advantage.


"Thank you for the schedule," I said as I step out of the office holding the said paper

"Of course. I'll see to it that Mrs Lee would help with giving you a tour around the school," the principle said, dazed

I nodded my head and continue walking to where I assume my class would be held. This would be one hell of a school year for her then...I'm glad that I'll be the cause of it.

Michelle's pov:

"Well, I'll see you three sometime," I said as I leave the cafeteria

The boys waved me goodbye and smile at me. Throughout lunch, we were just talking and getting to know each other. However in the middle of talking, I felt a strange feeling and it almost feel like someone is merging my soul with theirs. Oh well, it doesn't matter. I was making my way to class when I heard excited sounds of my schoolmates.

"Did you hear?"


"There's a new student again,"

"Really? Is he hot?"

"I heard that he is,"

"He came to school on a bike,"

"Wow, that's hot,"

"I know right."

"I wonder if he have a girlfriend?"

Great, another new student. Is he going to be weird as the other three? How come dad never told me about him? Just then I recieve a text from dad. I quickly make my way to my desk before any of the girls bump into me.

Dad 🐶and Michelle 💜

~Start text~

Dad 🐶:
Honey, I need you to show the boy in your class around the school. I told your teachers that you won't be attending to any of the classes today.

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