2. || Having a bad day ||

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Pic: Alex - Thunder (Chase Stokes) looking pissed!

POV Alex

I'm in a foul mood when I enter the club, Vince convinced me to come to this party tonight to take my mind off the horrible day I've been having, so far it isn't working. Everything went wrong on the way over here: red lights everywhere, 'grandpa' driving in fort of us, the bridge was open we needed to wait on not one but three boats to pass and finally no parking space we had to walk like 10 minutes.

Just now the security at the entrance pissed me off even more pulling me aside to frisk me. Like I would be stupid enough to walk into a club like this with drugs in my pockets.

"Who's the stupid schmuck?" I growl.

"What?" Vince says turning back to me.

"Nothing ... just your half-baked plan isn't working, after the hellish ride over here the security just treated me like an idiot, 'FUCK' my day just keeps getting better and better." I glower at him.

Vince doesn't seem to take my words well and I see his mood turn sour, I feel a slight tinge of guilt. Sighing and shaking my head I continue "Let's just go to the lounge, so I can get drunk. You're driving back!"

Taking the shortest route through the crowed, I knew directly this was a mistake, the pushing and bumping just makes my blood boil even more. I speed up my pace and I start shoving people out of my way. If they can push and shove so can I.

Surprisingly or not ... I don't get far when out of the blue an insanely hot girl, ... yet for some reason furiously pointing a finger ...AT ME, mouth wide she's ready to yell. Fuck that! My eyesight reddens and I yell, beating her to it: "WHAT... it's not because you're of the weaker sex, you can expect to be treated like a princess all the time, regular rules do apply to you...get real!"

I'm still seeing red, thinking if this was a guy, he'd have to wear sunglasses tomorrow. The venom in my voice and the urge to violently lash out surprised me ...no... it unsettles me, I can't help but look down to the floor.

I Turn away from the scene and continue through the crowd to the lounge area, Vince right on my heel, once we are out of hearing range, I turn towards my half-brother: "What the hell is the matter with me Vince?" I ask.

"You just had a bit of an awkward evening, bro. This isn't you; you're just being an ass because you got humiliated by your girl" he replies trying to be comforting and failing as usual.

I sigh "still...no excuse, for how I yelled at that girl." My voice cracking "I think I scared her, not cool man."

She was different, the way she wasn't going to be push around by me, LITERALLY.... But then she froze and turned speechless as she saw me all wound up and angry".

"Are you sure she was scared?" Vince interrupts looking at me with a sheepish smile. "Maybe ... she just saw something she liked a bit too much. I've seen girls turned dumbfounded, before." He looks me in the eye, raises an eyebrow and chuckles.

"Ha ha, ... did you see her? She was extremely hot!" I retorted annoyed, like he hadn't noticed. "She was nothing like a spoiled princess, more a cool rebel. She is not the kind to be impressed by me."

"Who said I was talking about you douche? I was standing right beside you. But you're right she seemed special, a rare combination of looks and feist full character. So definitively a girl who would notice me first." Vince declared with a trying-to-be-serious face.

I role my eyes "No offense Vince but we both fit the same category – Riche and Spoiled – in the eyes of a girl like that we both don't make the cut" I say sadly having another reason the hate 'the money'.

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