Jounin Exams ( Part 3) : Chapter 16

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Naruto was still strolling around the village his eyes widened considerably as he recognized the two Shinobis.

The first one was Shikaku Nara, and he looked just like Shikamaru had the last time Naruto saw him, even down to the attire. Unlike Shikamaru, Shikaku had a single scar on his face already though.

The second one was Inoichi Yamanaka, and he looked like a slightly older, male version of Ino. He wore a black forehead protector, a solid black outfit, light gray arm-guards that covered his forearms and the backs of his hands, and an open red vest.

"Are you Naruto Uchiha?" Inoichi asked.

"Yeah, that's my name," Naruto replied, nodding in response unconsciously. "You're a Yamanaka, aren't you?"

Inoichi smiled at that question. "I suppose we do look rather distinctive, don't we?"

"Not as much as the Nara," Naruto remarked, looking towards Shikaku. He was mentally sweating at that moment. Shikaku was said to be the smartest man in the Hidden Leaf Village in Naruto's time. If anyone could figure out that something was truly unusual about Naruto, it was Shikaku.

"I just know you're going to be troublesome. Uchihas and Blonds always are." Shikaku said with a yawn. "We should introduce ourselves nonetheless though. I'm Shikaku Nara, the fifteenth heir of the Nara clan."

"And I'm Inoichi Yamanaka, the fifteenth heir of the Yamanaka clan," Inoichi said, ignoring his friend's earlier comment about blonds.

"It's nice to meet you guys," Naruto said as he rose to his meet.

"Do you have any questions?" Inoichi asked.

"Not really," Naruto answered. "Is there any advice you'd like to offer?"

"Well, we should probably warn him about the noble clans," Shikaku said, lazily looking towards his friend.

"Aren't the noble clans common knowledge?" Inoichi asked.

"I already got that advice " Naruto said.

"But still listen ," Inoichi said, shaking his head. "The Hidden Leaf Village has three or four noble clans. These are Senju, Uzumaki, Hyuga, and Uchiha. Uzumaki and Senjusare royalty. It's Hyuga and Uchiha that you really have to worry about."

'I guess I never heard of the noble clans because Itachi massacred his clan when I was seven. I doubt most people would want to talk about the noble clans too soon after one of them was killed to the child but damn Madara had allt of information ,' Naruto thought.

"The best advice you can take in regards to Hyuga is to avoid them when you can, never try to use stealth around one, never fight one using Tai-Jutsu, and be respectful," Shikaku said, thinking about the few Hyuga he actually knew on a personal level. "There's even less advice for Uchiha. Avoid them if you can, don't look them in the eyes, and don't let them see you use Nin-Jutsu wait why I am telling you this you are an Uchiha"

Naruto nodded in understanding at most of the things Shikaku said. He had fought Neji using taijutsu, and he knew the power of the Sharingan. He had no intention of reliving his past mistakes.

"Here we are and good luck for your match tomorrow against Minato is the strongest in our generation " Inoichi said as they left Naruto.

"Troublesome Blonds and Uchihas goodluck Naruto" Shikaku

With that, Inoichi and Shikaku left Naruto alone,


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