Adjusting To The New Life : Chapter 4

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"Nice place old man" Said Naruto getting a very annoyed reaction from Kagami.

"LET ME SHOW YOU HOW OLD I AM" Says a pissed off Kagami Uchiha while activating his Sharingan.

"What is going on here?" Says a slightly older woman around Kagami's age entered the room and asked the question . This was Uchiha Mikasa, wife of Kagami and the current matriarch of the Uchiha Clan. The two had worked very hard to get rid of the old circus of buffoons known as the Elders of the Uchiha Clan. Life was a bit better now, though changing genetic behavior of most Uchiha would take time. However, her husband walked into their house today with handsome young man today.

A man who resembled Uchiha Madara a lot. Turns out this was his Grandson but he had nice manners, a warm smile on his face and called her 'Obaa-san.' Kagami had gotten angry at him and was going to say something but his wife had stopped and gave him a comical verbal lashing for behaving so erratic with him.

While this happened Naruto was stuck his tongue out and pulled his own eyelid to taunt Kagami further. Now she walked in to see her husband acting like a man child once more.

"Kagami-kun!" Mikasa said. "What is wrong with you? Going after Naruto-kun like that again!"

"Obaa-san. He called me a degenerate." Naruto said lying instantly on spot with Kagami staring with wide eyes. "He then goaded me into fighting with him Obaa-san."

"Why you little-" Kagami said as he wanted to strangle the life out of him. But lo and behold Mikasa stood in front of Naruto as she put her hands on her hips and looked down at her husband.

"Kagami-kun! Why are you doing all this? The boy is tired and top of that he is our guest. Stop lashing out against him." Mikasa said.

"Mika-chan believe me! He's a liar. A no good, double crossing, two faced-" Kagami was going to finish but once more Naruto took the chance.

"He said even worse things Obaa-san." Naruto said as he made his best attempt to replicate the Puppy Eyes no Jutsu he used to pull off when he made the women realize that Jiraiya was the only one peeping on them. Good times.

"He said if I told you about this he'd kick me out of the house and take away my Gunbai. That's all I have left of my parents." Naruto said as he summoned fake tears to roll out of his eyes. In reality, he was using his Water affinity to make those water droplets appear near his eyes.

Oh the beauties of chakra control! And seeing the look on Mina's face Naruto had only one thought in mind.

'Muhahaha. Hook, line and sinker. Your move old man.' Naruto inwardly grinned as he wiped off the fake tears to emphasize his apparent pain.

"That's it you little lying piece of-" Kagami this time felt the temperature of the room drop. Mikasa had activated her Sharingan and was condescendingly looking at Kagami. The clan head knew he had lost this round to the brat. Then Mikasa turned to Naruto as she handed him some towels and yukata, it was light blue in color.

"Here you go Naruto-kun." Mikasa said with a smile. "Go and take a shower or use the personal bath house just outside to the east if you feel like it. You must be a bit tired and hungry right?"

"Yes Obaa-san " Naruto said as he bowed his head a little. Still, he couldn't just let Kagami get away .

"You're just as kind and warm as my kaa-chan was."Says Naruto with a warm smile on his face.

'Oh no...' Kagami thought with fear in his heart. He saw his wife ruffling his hair as he laughed a bit. 'He's brought her over to his side.'

"Aww. You're such a kind boy Naru-chan." Mikasa said and Naruto feigned surprise which she fell for. "Do you mind me calling you that?"

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