texts 0.59

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message from my love:

my love:

hiii baby
have you finished filming

my love:
no i'm still on set
what are you up to

about to read a few scripts my agent sent
missing you:(((
can i call you tonight?

my love:
i miss you too
you haven't done anything today?

not really

my love:


my love:
you didn't tell me you were seeing liam

i wasn't
i went for dinner with chris, chris h, elsa and liam was there

my love:
i wish you would have told me

i mean
i didn't even think to text you
because he was just there
and it was just a quick dinner with friends
it's not like we went for a 'cosy lunch date'
like they said

my love:
i know but surely you saw the paps?
and you'd know they would end up getting sent to me

i would have mentioned it tonight on the phone
i didn't realise you'd be on social media with filming all day

my love:
whether it was social media or not
my publicist was ringing me for two hours
cause of how many people reached out to get a comment

but i just didn't think it would be a problem
i was with both chris' and elsa too

my love:
have you seen the photos?
there's literally just you and him in nearly them all
how was i to know

how was i to know that you would see them?

my love:
it's pretty obvious

i don't want to fight with you:(
i'm sorry

my love:
i just want you to understand
like if you saw a picture of me getting lunch with someone
idk like boyd?
and hadn't told you everything

he was your ex-fiancé
there's a difference

my love:
i don't care whether you slept with liam
or spent half your life with him maia
that's not what matters

babe can we just talk on the phone later

my love:
why are you just ignoring my feelings
i'm trying to explain to you

i get it
i just personally don't see the issue

my love:
then that's a problem
do you see that

why do i feel like you're genuinely annoyed
that i went out with someone
who i had a one night stand with
when drunk
in a GROUP of people

my love:
don't turn this round on me
you'd feel the exact same if it was the other way
i just wish you would have told me

then on my one break i wouldn't have to sit on the phone with my publicist while she sends me all these pictures
that i don't even know existed or was happening
and have my social media spammed about how my girlfriend is 'hooking up with her ex' behind my back

surely you trust me enough to know i wouldn't do that behind your back

my love:
of course i trust you

it doesn't sound like it
how are you gonna go off at me when
do i say anything when you've gone for dinner with tom in atlanta?

my love:
have i ever not told you though?
because i know how much you would get spammed and harassed about it online

so you're problem is you're being harassed about it?
why not just tell me to tweet something
i get you don't want us to be public yet
but how can i then have a go at people for speculating i'm dating people when they think i'm single

my love:
are you even reading my texts
you're just skipping over everything i've said

i'm trying to find a solution
to stop you being mad at me

my love:
i'm not mad at you
i'm just upset about it
and you're now making it worse

what are you talking about?
how the hell am i making it worse?

my love:
don't talk to me like that maia!

i have ten minutes before i need to go back to filming
so i need to actually go eat lunch
we can talk later

you'll call me later?

my love:
when i get a chance

when you get a chance?
you finish at 6pm
can't you just call me before you go to bed?

my love:
i'm busy
maybe like you could have called me earlier or spared me a text when you saw paps at dinner

oh whatever elizabeth
i don't even know what you want me to say
you're creating a bigger problem

my love:
the problem wouldn't exist if you had spared me a thought
but it's not the first time that's happened?

taking your mood out on me is going to get you no where

my love:
then i guess we have nothing left to discuss
goodbye maia

what does that even mean?


i'm sorry

we can talk through it later

promise me you'll call?
(read 14:06pm)

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