behind the scenes 0.15

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For the first time in Marvel history, we've been allowed secret access behind the scenes of the first day of filming. While we won't be able to film any of the scenes being shot today, we will be exploring the trailers and speaking to some of the films very own superheroes.

First stop is Mr Robert Downey Jr! How are you, sir?

I'm absolutely amazing, it's a beautiful day, it's the first day of filming so the spirits are super high.

Now what can you tell us that's in store for Tony this film?

Tony left off last season, pretty much done with the whole Iron Man lifestyle but we know he can't resist. So there's a lot of trouble, a lot of home trouble with of course his beautiful wife Pepper.

Do you think we'll ever see him settling down?

Honestly, I'm not sure he will ever settle down. He may retire or he may take some time but I can't see Tony ever giving up this life, without being forced too! I guess you'll have to watch to find out if any of that happens this film!

Thank you so much for your time and good luck on your first day. I don't know about you guys but I can definitely see Pepper finally domesticate Tony.

Why don't we head on over to the make up trailer?

And here we have our favourite female agents, Scarlett Johansson, Elizabeth Olsen and Cobie Smulders! Scarlett, how are you feeling?

I'm so good! I'm so excited to get back out there and bring Natasha to life again.

Now we haven't seen much bonding between any of your characters really. I think what they all need is a good girls night. Maybe Maria can introduce them to Netflix and give them a night out, what do you think Cobie?

I think that's the best idea anyone has had yet. They've been through a lot and I think putting Friends on and eating their body weight in ice cream could be the answer to all their problems.

The last instalment we saw Wanda really come into her own and become a true avenger. How do you feel about her joining the team, Elizabeth?

I'm so happy she chose the good guys. You know she's been through a lot and she's had a lot of betrayal so you could understand her turning to the bad side but I think the thought of this family, the thought of having this community of people like her, really pushed her towards the right decision.

And you guys have another female this year to help you out-do the boys. How excited are you about that, Scarlett?

It's about time we added some more females in the mix, I think! And Maia is so great, she's an amazing actress and I think she's gonna be a real asset to the cast.

And the Avengers?

Well I guess that depends on her character! I see what you tried to do there, with the spoilers. You'll find out if she's going to be an Avenger or Villain soon enough!

I nearly had you! Oh, speak of the devil and she shall appear! Maia Fox, how are you?

Oh hi! I'm really good, how are you guys?

All the better for being here. Now, there's huge speculation about your character and I know you're not in costume yet so I can't even get any hints from this robe. Can you tell us anything?

She's a bad ass. Like she's giving these guys a real run for their money. I actually think the perfect way to describe her is kind of a equal amount of Wanda and Natasha. Take from that as you will!

Oooo! Does she have an accent? We know you've done a lot of accents in your films and television shows so far, can you tell us anything about that?

I mean she does have an accent that's different from mine and that's all I can give you. I don't know what else I can officially say so let's not get me fired on my first day!

Of course not! So finally, how are you finding it here? Marvel is such a big deal, has it been different to your previous projects?

Oh, 100%! All projects are so different but stepping on to this set has been mind-blowing. I'm lucky to have such an amazing cast and crew that have made me feel so welcome beforehand to kind of make that transition easier.

I know the fans are loving your relationship with the cast already!

Yeah, it's kind of exciting to give little bits out to the fans for the film because as a fan myself, I know how hard that wait is between films!

A lot of speculation too! You seem to be dating a different cast member everyday and you previously revealed you are single. Do you think you'll be able to find your Captain America to your Peggy here?

Oh. I love everybody here so much, it's very much like a family. I'm not dating anyone, much to everyone's disappointment!

Not even Chris?

Not even Chris. Why would I want to date the guys when I have my own girl band right here?

You heard it here first, folks. Thank you so much for talking to us! I hope you ladies have the best first day of filming and we're gonna run and catch up with Mark Ruffalo! Let's go!

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