interview 0.9

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ELLE Magazine (us.)

It's great to finally meet you!

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It's great to finally meet you!

And you! You guys are awesome.

I think the question on everyone's lips is how did you get this part? Marvel is huge, it must have been such a process!

Funnily enough, no. I actually was unsure on auditioning when the call came out, until my manger said that the Russo brothers had been in touch and would like to have a conversation. So we had a quick meeting and I actually did a screen test with some of the crew and I got a call later that night, telling me the role was mine!

Wow, that is incredible! How is it with the rest of the cast? They are all super familiar with each other from their previous films so how was it becoming a part of that?

I haven't met most of the cast yet, actually! However they've all been super supportive, they added me into a little group chat they have and I was so nervous because they are all so incredible at what they do. But honestly, I couldn't have asked for a better group of people. They've all been so welcoming. I love them already.

Are you particularly close with anyone in the group? We previously saw on your Instagram that you called Robert Downey Jr. dad and there's been a few rumours about you and a Mr Evans!

I honestly have no clue where those rumours came from. We haven't even seen each other yet. But Robert is such a good guy, he's been so protective. Ever since he found out I had the role, before the others, he's messaged me most days, making sure I'm okay and I'm comfortable. But yeah, we have plans for dinner in a couple days so I'm super excited to meet everyone and get to know my new little family.

Well, getting a Marvel gig at the age of 26 is such a huge deal. You look so fresh faced and young, what is your secret?

A good make-up artist! I'm joking. I'm aware I look quite young but I think it's just how I am! I promise I am 26 though, people have accused me of lying which is just the strangest thing ever!

 I'm aware I look quite young but I think it's just how I am! I promise I am 26 though, people have accused me of lying which is just the strangest thing ever!

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So we assume, you've read the script. Is there any hints we can get?

Actually, I think this has been said a few times before but they don't give us full scripts. Or sometimes they do but they're fake. You know, to keep the secret. So actually I don't know much at all! However, I hope everyone is going to love my character as much as I do!

And what about costumes? Are you worried about that being a woman in the industry?

I think I would be, if it wasn't for the other females. Elizabeth (Olsen) and Scarlett (Johansson) have quite decent, practical costumes so I'm not worried for anything too scandalous. I trust the Russo brothers with what they do.

Filming is scheduled for the next eight months, is that right?

Yeah, well it's kind of a ball park figure. We won't know for certain cause as you can imagine things will change a lot but it's such an exciting experience, I think it will go so fast.

What do you plan on doing for those eight months between filming out in Atlanta?

I think I'll get to know the rest of the cast pretty good. They're already making plans and telling me all these exciting restaurants they have to take me too.

Well, we're short on time but I guess my last question has to be about your new mystery woman-

Mystery woman? It must be such a good mystery because I have no clue what you're talking about.

Really? So, you're single.

Yes. Absolutely single. I'm concentrating on my career at the moment and never say never, obviously but I guess it's not my priority right now.

Good for you. Well, thank you so much for speaking to us. Everybody be sure to catch Maia in the next Avengers film next year.

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