21 - Pancakes

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"Here. Careful, it's hot."

I wrap my hands around the pleasantly warm mug, blowing on the steaming coffee inside it. The aroma wafting up to me is the same... I take a tentative sip, half-enjoying the way it's just a little too hot for my mouth. I can feel the scalding heat of it travel down from the back of my throat to my gut. The answering zing of energy is almost instantaneous. Dabi was right; it's the perfect thing to wake me up in the morning. Then I feel eyes burning into my back - I look up sharply to find Himiko Toga grinning at me from across the room.

She knows. Already, there's been a label put on our relationship that I'm not sure I'm ready for. She and Dabi only arrived at the League of Villains - what, a week ago? We've moved so quickly that I can barely keep up, even though sometimes it feels like I've known Dabi for so much longer, like I've known him all my life and only just realised where I know him from. I look away from Himiko and stare into the depths of the coffee like it holds the answers to everything I've started questioning since he arrived.

I drink the rest of the bittersweet liquid in a few large gulps. Finding myself longing for more downtime and relaxation, I go back to my room, away from the prying eyes of the others.

My shirt from yesterday is still lying crumpled on the floor, while Dabi's shirt is merely dust on my rumpled sheets. I pick up the dustpan and brush from where they belong in my cupboard for accidents like these, and start sweeping the dust into the bin. Come to think of things I've accidentally disintegrated recently, I need a new pillow too. Well, Dabi did say we'd go shopping today. We can go to the big shopping centre. With that decided, I toss my creased shirt from the floor into the laundry basket in the corner of my room. I'll do a washing load tomorrow.

"Busy, Chapstick?"

Thank god he's here. I don't want to have to think about things I don't want to think about anymore. He makes everything simpler, like my mind clears up when he's around. I turn around and kiss him, my hands sliding into his hair. His response, the movement of his soft lips on mine, my mouth opening to his, blasts every other thought out of my mind. I don't need anything else, not with him here, so warm and real.

His hand starts sliding up my bare skin underneath my shirt. Never have I ever had someone like him, someone who infuriates me one minute and does this to my heart the next. I would walk into hell for you. My hands fist in his hair as I pull him closer, closer, until there isn't an inch of space between our bodies, until he's against the wall, his fingers and lips still doing such incredible things to my heart that I feel I might burst if we keep going. I don't want to stop. This, this is what I've been living my life for, to get to these moments, to get to Dabi.

"Tomura, have you-"

Shit. Kurogiri, on the other side of my door. We freeze and I shove Dabi towards the desk so he can look like he has a reason to be in my room. I open the door a crack, peering out of the gap, doing my best at pretending to look sleepy.

"What is it, Kurogiri? I'm busy."

"Dabi asked to speak with me about my pancake recipe for breakfast this morning. He wasn't in his room, so I thought I could find him here."


Dabi pops up behind me, ruffling my hair annoyingly.

"Hey, Mist Man."

Behind the door, where Kurogiri can't see, his other hand strokes up and down my side. I have to focus all my attention on keeping a poker face.

"Shigaraki is far too skinny. Now, my cooking is amazing, but your pancakes are next level."

He slips out of the room to stand with Kurogiri, his turquoise eyes shining as he looks at me. Far too skinny? Bastard. I close the door on him and Kurogiri and let them get on with what they're doing. I'm not too skinny! I just... I'm just never that hungry... Stupid Dabi. Why does he get such a kick out of taunting me?

I go back to tidying my room, trying unsuccessfully to stop thinking about the black-haired man in the kitchen. Bastard.

"Shiggy! Pancakes are up!" he calls loudly from the main room. My face flushes bright red. Shiggy? Seriously? I'm tempted to not go, but the delicious scent of pancakes is wafting through my door and I can't resist.

"Toppings are over there," Dabi says, jerking his head towards the counter. He's wearing a black apron that makes me smile inside. He looks ridiculous. There are bottles of honey, lemon juice, chocolate spread, and slices of various fruits. "Here you are, Shiggy."

"That's not my name," I mumble, but I take the proffered plate with the pancake anyway. It smells too good to resist, and it's cooked to a perfect golden colour. I drizzle honey on top, and sit on the bar stool next to Himiko and Twice. I see that they've rolled their pancakes up into tubes, so I do the same with mine, pushing it with my knife and fork until it flops into an acceptable shape.

"Hey Tomura, isn't Dabi's cooking the best?!" Toga exclaims happily. Her pancake is heaped up with every topping available, of course. Twice's is plain on one half and drizzled with honey and lemon on the other side. From the corner of my eye, I see Dabi's eyes flick over to me and his cocky smirk. I take a bite of the pancake. It's sweet and fluffy and delicious. Not that I'm going to admit that. He has a big enough ego already.

"It's not awful," I say loudly, looking at the gold-eyed girl and Twice, but keeping an eye on Dabi in the corner of the room. "I've had better."

He thrusts the pan to a surprised-looking Kurogiri and stalks over to us. I smirk. I've got him now.

"This is the best damn food you've ever eaten," Dabi says from behind me.


"If you won't admit it, I'll make you."

"I'd like to see you try."

The bar fills with tension as everyone turns their heads to watch how this plays out. A curious delight fills my chest at how cute Dabi looks when he's annoyed. Irritating people really is fun.

"You're so going to regret that."

Then his hands fall on my shoulders, and his face nuzzles into my neck-

The bastard fucking bites me.

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