15 - Déjà Vu

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I wake with the bright light of dawn filtering through the gap in Dabi's curtains. I blink at the sudden shaft of golden light fallen over my face, careful not to move too much lest I wake-

Dabi. His arm is still slung over my shoulder, my head still resting on his chest. What was I thinking last night? What was I doing? I have priorities, I have to plan our next move against All Might, and I certainly have to be careful now that Himiko suspects something is going on between me and the guy whose bed I'm lying in. Two nights in a row! Carefully, slowly, I start to sit up-

"Morning, Chapstick." Dabi still hasn't opened his eyes. Tricky bastard. How long has he been awake for? I lean back against him, savouring the warmth of waking up next to him.


"You know, we've still got hours before we have to get up."

We. Again, the word sends shivers through my blood. What is this guy doing to me?

"Nah, I should get back to my room."

Just as I start to stand up, his hand shoots out and grabs my arm. I sit back down, resting my head against his pillow with a sigh.

"Why? You don't want to play more of that game?"

"You're eager to lose this morning," I remark sarcastically, and he chuckles. "But you know, I really should go..."

"Then how come you aren't getting up?"

"I'm not awake enough yet. Five minutes."

I really will get up soon. After all, it is six in the morning. Far too early. Besides, it would surely be rude to leave straight away, especially if the host wants me to stay with him, in his warm, comfortable bed. Dabi yawns, and the sleepy sound makes me yawn too. I nestle back under the quilt, vowing to get up in ten minutes.

I wake up an hour later.

"Sorry to wake you, Chapstick," comes Dabi's voice from the other end of the room. "Some of us have things to do in our day."

"Bastard," I complain half-heartedly. "I'll have you know I'm very busy."

"Sure, sure."

Some part of me yawns and stretches contentedly within my chest, purring like a cat. There's a deep temptation in my bones to pull the quilt further up to my neck and go back to sleep, surrounded by his comforting scent and warmth. I throw the quilt off and stand up.

"Bye, Chapstick."

I raise my middle finger at him as I walk out of the door, carrying Father's hand in my pocket. He chuckles at me. For the first time, that weight in my pocket, that reminder of anguish and violence doesn't centre me as much as it used to. No, not with the memory of Dabi looking at my bare face, his gaze dipping to my lips, his cocky smirk when he gave me my new nickname. The memory of that keeps an ember of warmth lit inside me even in my cold, empty room. I have to fight a strange aching tug in my cheeks. When I see my reflection in the shower that morning, I give in to the pull and watch my lips curve up like Dabi's. A smile.

I turn back to the hot water pumping from the showerhead and scrub at my skin angrily. It looked strange on my face. Different. And maybe not in a bad way. Fuck you, Dabi. I stay in the shower for longer than usual, scrubbing soap - cedarwood and orange - all over until my skin is a fresh, reddened shade and I feel slightly more like myself. Slightly. Turning the water off, I step out from behind the opaque shower screen, picking up the towel-

The door starts to open. What's with this déjà vu?!

"Fuck it, Dabi!" I yell, frantically wrapping the towel around myself just in time as he strolls in and closes the door behind him. Again?! He raises an eyebrow at me, then turns to the cupboard, steam from my shower rising all around us and obscuring his shape. He's wearing his usual tank top and dark pants, but his black hair is mussed and his blue eyes are lidded with sleep. It's kind of cute. I promptly glare at the wall.

"Sorry, boss. Didn't realise you were here."

"Yes you did, bastard," I mutter, tucking the corner of the damp towel in so it won't fall down when I let go. Does the guy have no sense of personal space? I push past him to get my toothbrush, but he doesn't budge, forcing me to squeeze past him. Dabi squeezes out some toothpaste onto his brush, and then onto mine. For a moment, I'm tempted to put the toothpaste in his hair... I put the brush in my mouth and try to pretend that he isn't there beside me, that his arm doesn't occasionally brush mine and send goosebumps racing under my skin. We finish at the same time, and I watch Dabi leave with my arms crossed over my bare, damp chest. Right before he opens the door, he turns and looks at me over his shoulder.

"I can't be bothered to cook. This morning, you can pick the place, Chapstick."

He winks and slips out of the steamy room, the door closing with a click behind him, before I can do anything. God, we need locks on the doors. I stare at the door for a long moment, my mouth falling slightly open, before I regain the ability to breathe and move and think. As I dry myself off, the perfect place to take Dabi for breakfast comes to mind.

"I've never been here before. What is this place?" he asks, crossing his legs on the armchair and leaning back, his arms hanging loosely. The room is dimly lit, and nobody pays any attention to us - just two more villains in a room full of them.

"Somewhere you'll like," I reply, crossing my ankles in front of me. "It's not as fancy as your place, but the food is better."

He guffaws, sitting up a bit straighter. "Oh yeah? We'll see about that."

I smirk at him from behind Father's hand, and the bold bastard smirks right back, his blue eyes glinting.

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