12 - Hangover

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"Rise and shine, scruffy-head," Dabi announces. I moan, throwing an arm over my eyes in a weak attempt to lessen the pounding in my head. Last night... he made me some strong drinks... I couldn't keep them down... and now I've slept for about sixteen hours.

"You're so loud," I mumble.

"No, you're so hungover," he corrects. "The longer you stay in my bed, the harder it's going to get for you to get up until the hangover is gone."

"Are you sure you didn't poison me?"

He laughs. Wait a second. The longer you stay in my bed. I'm in Dabi's bed. That explains why the bastard is here: it's his own room. I should probably get back to my room before the others start getting anything into their heads... but I'm warm, and comfortable, and lazy. I groan, take Father's hand, and get up, stumbling across the corridor to my room.

This time, my shower goes uninterrupted.

When I arrive in the main room, there's a plate of toast and eggs sitting on the table.

"Here," Dabi says. "A good breakfast always helps."

I don't have the energy to refuse or to ask him why he's being so nice all of a sudden. I sniff the food first, checking it for poison, but then my stomach rumbles so voraciously that I decide I don't care.

Slowly, the room empties, apart from me and Himiko Toga. She sets her phone down on the counter and looks over at me, propping her chin on her hands, her golden eyes gleaming.

"What?" I ask through a mouthful of buttered toast.

"You like someone too," she grins, swinging her legs. "I can smell it on you."

"I showered fifteen minutes ago," I snap back, trying to dodge what's surely coming next. My headache spikes with annoyance.

"It's the pretty fire guy, isn't it?"

"I don't know what you mean. You're crazy. Nobody's going to believe you."

"They can see it for themselves. Everyone can... everyone apart from you two." My blood runs ice cold. She doesn't know what she's talking about. There's nothing between me and Dabi. Nothing.

"Don't you have better shit to do?"

She blinks, and looks back at her phone. But when I take another bite of the toast, I can see her eyes flick over to me and back again. I grit my teeth. It's all lies. Dabi means nothing to me, and I mean nothing to him. We're just working towards a common goal, like we all are. Besides, he's the leader of the new squad I created, the Vanguard Action Squad, so it's good for us to build a better relationship. He has potential, and power, and drive - plus he isn't crazy - so he was the only option I could go for. I put my legs up on the counter again and cross my ankles.

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