01 Our Happily Ever After?

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It had been three months since the Evil Queen was defeated. Three months since Apple White freed her from the mirror out of selfishness. And three whole months ever since Apple was awoken from her cursed slumber.

It had been three whole months, and yet, no one has answered her question if it was the dashing prince, Daring Charming, the one that had saved her from a fate worse than death. She had tried asking her friends about the kiss and why Daring had not been around her that much, but they would laugh nervously and change the subject immediately whenever she did.

Was she never ever after going to find out who saved her?

But she had her hopes up and still continued asking, even if the answers were only pushing her farther away from the truth.

Right now, she is slumped onto her bed, having late night thoughts. If her mother were to find out that she had been doing this, she would say that it is very un-royal of her.

But if Daring wasn't her Prince Charming, would she still be a Royal?

Apple hugged her pillow and turned, looking over the sleeping figure of her roommate. She then sighed, knowing that if tried asking again now, Raven would be too drowsy to even answer. Probably even immediately going back to sleep after being woken up.

'Fableous. Just fableous.' she thought to herself as she burrowed her face onto her pillow. 'If only there was someone out there that won't avoid my questions and straight up say the truth to my face.'

That was when the idea clicked onto her mind. And with that thought, she went to sleep with a smile on her face.

The darkness surrounded her once she closed her eyes. But the darkness was soon engulfed by a white light.

Apple couldn't see anything but white. Every direction she turned, all that she saw was white.

She began to panic. She pulled on her hair as if she was a mad woman.

Then the scenery changed into one of a forest's. The young White calmed down.

It was 'that' dream again.

A dark figure approached her. Apple tried to back away from the person, but to no avail. She was trapped in a wooden casket, unable to move.

The dark figure walked towards her and began to shake her. "Breathe, Apple. Breathe!" the person spoke, their voice laced with concern.

After a couple of seconds, however, she heard a gasp. And the figure leaned towards her, giving her a CPR.

'A CPR, for choking?' Apple thought again in her sleep. 'Not actually the right first aid for-'

Her thoughts were cut short when she found herself coughing.
End of Dream

The sun's rays pierced through Apple's closed eyelids, waking her up. She slowly opened her eyelids and sat up.

"Good morning, sleepyhead." Raven greeted from the side of Apple's now open window, getting the blonde's attention. She was already dressed and was holding the curtains to the side.

'She must've opened them.' Apple thought to herself as she wiped her eyes. "Good morning, Raven."

The black, purple, and maroon haired girl hooked the curtains to the side as she let out a soft chuckle. "You're lucky I woke you up, or you'll be missing breakfast." she spoke, walking in front of Apple.

As usual, the birds helped Apple clean her bed and brush her hair. But the girl didn't seem to be happy about it.

Raven noticed the look on her roommate's face. "Did you stay up late again last night?" she asked, crossing her arms and raising an eyebrow.

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