#17: Planification

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It was relatively early when [Y/N] decided to get up from bed and get ready for the upcoming meeting. Erwin had placed it in the morning, right before breakfast, which seemed rather inconvenient for most of them.

After doing the usual routine she had in the morning, she headed out of her room, more than a little sleepy after the night from before.

Knocking on Erwin's door, she was surprised to hear Levi's voice invite her in.

"Good morning, Levi. Alone in Erwin's office?" she asked, noticing he was the only one there.

"Good morning. Yeah, Eyebrows excused himself just a moment ago. Have you slept well?" he asked, keeping a straight face.

"As well as one could considering the situation. What about you?" she inquired, taking a seat besides him.

"Tch, yeah, about that... How did I get in my bed, [Y/N]? I remember... y-you, and after that..."

Did Levi just stutter?

Well this was certainly new.

"Oh, don't worry; I carried you," stated [Y/N], matter-of-factly.

There was a pause.

"You what?"

"Well you had fallen asleep and the last thing I wanted was to disrupt your rest, so I just picked you up and brought you to your room." [Y/N] explained, as easily as if she was talking about the weather.

"O-oi!" he exclaimed, face getting more upset. "I'm not one of these brats that you just baby around constantly!"

"What was I to do?" she raised her voice.

By now, Levi had a slight red tint spread across  face, a once-in-a-lifetime sight. Had she just embarrassed him?

"Listen Levi, you were barely able to keep your eyes open. I didn't have the heart to wake you up. I promise you it's not that big of a deal."

The captain scoffed. "Why did you even stay with me in the first place?"

"Because I care," she deadpanned, slightly offended that he would doubt that.

For half a second, his eyes widened.

"Whatever... brat. I just sincerely hope no one saw us."

"Saw what?" came a third voice.

Both of them jolted, looking at the doorway where stood Erwin and Hange. The blond man was the one who had spoken, confused expression across his features.

Levi became even more red, while [Y/N] was just sitting there, finding the whole scene quite awkward.

"Good morning," she finally said. "What kept you?"

"Not important, but please excuse my absence when you entered, [Y/N]. Hange, take a seat."

"It's no problem," the young woman replied, smiling softly at the blond. "How was your sleep? I did tell you to rest up yesterday."

"When you were the one who needed it the most," countered the commander, chuckling. "But I did rest well, thank you for asking."

Soon, all the people needed for the meeting were inside of the office. Armin, Mikasa and Eren had came in quickly, closing the door behind them.

"[Y/N]," called Eren, walking up to her.


"I'm sorry for not visiting you yesterday..."

The young woman nodded, pointing at the chair to her right. "It's completely fine, you needed your space. Sit down."

So he did.

Memories Tend To Be Dreams Themselves[LEVI X READER X ERWIN]Where stories live. Discover now