#14: Loss

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The young woman's head snapped towards her superior.

With Christa's help, her and the other boys had managed to make it up here at the entrance of the Forest of giant trees. Now here they all stood, watching helplessly as the titans they were meant to keep here rushed inside of the forest, following a confusingly loud sound.

Soldiers attempted to go after them, but no one had much supplies left, and several got killed by merely attempting to reach the disgusting beasts.

"[L/N], I will send you in there to report to the commander. If you need assistance, fire a blue flare, and I will send cadet Ackerman after you."

"But sir, Mikasa could just come with me now-"

"I need her here for the time being to eliminate any major threat that could come our way. You're the one with the most gaz left, so go! It's an order."

[Y/N] met eyes with her comrades, then sighed. "Roger."

With that, she took off.

Swinging from tree to tree with her gear, she tried to conserve as much fuel as possible. The scenery before her didn't change; there was only uncomfortably huge trees as far as eye could see.

After a few minutes, she spotted a group of hooded figures, going in the opposite direction.

"Soldier, identify yourself!" one of them exclaimed.

"[Y/N] [L/N], sir! Reporting to the commander!" she exclaimed, her voice loud and strong.

"It's [Y/N]!" Petra's voice said.

"Hey [Y/N], what are you-"

Before he could finish his sentence, Gunther got slammed into a tree by yet another new hooded person.

"GUNTHER!" Petra and [Y/N] screamed in unison.

Not a second after, a lightening strike went through the air, blinding all the remaining squad members.

The next thing they knew, the female titan was in front of them.

They had no time to react. Petra screamed for Eren to fly away, while Eld and Oluo flew straight for the thing's neck. Wasting no time to even think, [Y/N] wipped out the blue fare and summoned Mikasa.

Eld was dead before they knew it. Petra jumped into action, followed by the other young woman right afterwards. Together, they slashed at the titan, but soon realized they couldn't slash hardened skin.

Right before the blond monster could deliver Oluo's final blow, [Y/N] jumped in the way, saving his life by half a second.

The both of them slammed into a tree, absolutely shocked. Before they could even register what was happening, Petra was already done for.

"Oi..." came Oluo's frightened voice, cracking. "She's... they're..."

[Y/N] didn't have time to reply, as yet another lightning strike went off behind them.

Eren's titan appeared before them, looking more than upset. Unleashing a blood freezing scream, he punched his blond counterpart away, engaging into a messy fight.

Taking her comrade by the hip, [Y/N] zipped higher into the tree, making sure neither of them would get caught up into it.

"Oluo, are you okay? any injuries?" she asked, concerned.

"Roughed up, but I'm fine. And you?"

"I have a few bruised ribs from my earlier encounter with that, but nothing I can't handle. I called Mikasa over, she should be here any minute now." She sighed, taking a breath. "We can't attack while Eren is engaging, the hardened skin won't let us pierce through."

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