Chapter 18- Tests and Procedures [CO]

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The medical room buzzed with the activity of the doctors, vets, and even the few mages that had been assigned to the unique task of saving Veral's leg. The timber wolf cub lay on an operating table, a breathing mask over his snout as an IV ran from a bag filled with amber liquid to his good leg, keeping a small, diluted magic tranquilizer flowing into the young pup to keep him asleep.

"Somepony, get me some more sponges!" Apple Bloom called over her shoulder, never taking her eyes off the incision she'd made in Veral's shriveled leg, a steady stream of sappy blood flowing from the cut as she tried to stem the flow with overused sponges. She turned quickly at a sharp tap on her shoulder, her only response being to reach her hand up and snatch the medical sponges retrieved for her before continuing her fruitless task.

The mare's ear flicked as she heard the door to the medical room slide open and close shortly after. "What's the situation?" Chris asked as the young man walked in, setting his case on a table behind Apple Bloom before coming to stand beside her.

"Things were goin good," Bloom answered, taking a precious second to wipe the sweat from her brow. "Until we found a bunch of veins an' arteries all bunched up!" The man glanced towards the mare to see her teeth gritting as she continued to try and stop the bleeding. "That damned captain did more damage than we all coulda thought...."

Chris stared at her for several seconds before he took a deep breath and looked around the room until he spotted the mare he was looking for. "Dr. Cureall," he called out to the cerulean maned Earth pony and gaining her attention. "What's the possibility of us saving Veral's leg now?"

"That's, um... hard to say..." the veterinarian answered nervously as she stepped forward. "But... his chances aren't good...."

Chris sighed at that and rubbed his eyes. "That's about what I thought..." he muttered before turning back towards the case. "Bloom, I need you guys to start getting this room changed around."

"What for?" The country mare questioned.

"An amputation." Half the room froze at that, a lot of the staff glancing at one another. "We have to take that leg before it kills him."

"And what do you plan to do afterward?" Dr. Cureall asked in alarm, her eyes watching the young man with suspicious eyes. "Leave a timber wolf to die slowly with three legs?"

"Nope," Chris answered, turning back around and bringing the contents of the briefcase over to the table. "I plan for Veral to live a long, happy life with four legs." And with that, he laid a high-tech prosthetic on the operating table.


"Don't worry about the how," Chris said tirelessly, cutting off Dr. Cureall. "That was my job. I just need you guys to get that bad leg off of him before it kills him." The pale maned mare stared at him for several moments before looking towards Apple Bloom, the redhead glancing towards her and nodding in response.

The vet continued to stare for several more moments before she gave a little sigh and turned to her staff. "You heard him," she said sternly, resolving her features. "Get this room prepped for an amputation and get it done yesterday." The medical personnel jumped a bit at the mare's change in demeanor but only for a moment before they started busying themselves.

Chris picked up the prosthetic, starting to move it and himself out of the way, only to be stopped by Bloom's voice. "Chris... you might want to get washed up and sterilize that synthetic."

"'Course, Bloom," the ranger answered... before promptly flashing Red Static over his arms and the leg and setting them ablaze.

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