Chapter 6- My Own Worst Enemy

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Chris lay in bed, curled beneath the covers. He rested peacefully, all things around him silent and still.

"Get away from me, you cur!"

"No, come here!"

Chris's face scrunched up in annoyance, and he shifted beneath the blankets. The commotion continued, sounding like someone running around in his room.

"I said," there was a crash like two bodies had collided and fallen to the ground, "come here!"

"No, I won't let you take me back! I refu-!"

Chris jerked awake, throwing away the covers and looking around his room. There was no one around. For a moment, he only sat there, blinking in confusion before he rubbed his face to clear away his tiredness. "Oh, what happened? Last thing I remember was...." His eyes shot wide open, and he flipped the face open on his morpher. The display showed it was about three in the morning. Thursday morning. "Gottverdammt," he muttered in realization. "Of all the times, he had to take control in front of Cruger."

He let out a final sigh and got out of bed. He got ready in his usual way. When he was finished, he walked out of the bathroom to his computer. Might as well do my journal, he thought as he sat and turned on the computer's power. When it finally booted up, something appeared on the screen that he wasn't expecting. Two files he had never seen before were present, one labeled "Seek Advice," the other "What You Need To Know." Confused, he opened "Seek Advice," as it was the older of the two files. What he saw shocked him.

In it, Samson made his introductions, seemingly taunting him before letting Cruger take control of the video. Cruger explained how Samson had told him about Psycho and that he should seek Nightmare Moon and her dream walking ability. When it ended, he didn't quite know what to make of it, especially the fact that Cruger told him he could trust Samson. That was certainly not something he was expecting. He shook his head and closed the file turning to the next one. "What little surprise do you have for me?"

He opened the file, and Samson's face appeared on-screen yet again, a cheerfully smug look on his face. "Howdy, Chris, how'd you sleep? Probably like a baby, but that's beside the point. First of all, be happy I took that lecture from Sunset for you. I could have been a huge douche and given you control again for that part. Dodged a huge bullet on that one. Anyway, I'm not here to taunt and jeer." Samson's face suddenly got serious. "Chris, there are somethings that you need to understand. First off, I've never been out to get you. I know you don't believe me, but it is the truth. Ever since we were kids, I've looked out for you. It wasn't in your nature to fight back. You ran whenever you could and took the beating when you couldn't. I- you needed that to stop. We finally had enough. Whenever you got into a bad situation that you couldn't escape from, I took over. That's why whenever you had an episode, you'd have bruises and scrapes. I never once raised a hand against you. I only wanted what's best for you."

Samson's face grew solemn. "But I can't do that anymore. I'm sure you've noticed, but since we've come into possession of the Psycho Morpher, we've had a new roommate. Psycho comes from the morpher. He is directly linked to it. As long as we use it, we can't get rid of him. And to add to that problem, every time we morph, use Static, or even just talk on the communicator, he gets a little bit stronger. He was trying to take over. When I figured out what was going on, I tried to stop him, and we've been struggling ever since. I can keep him at bay, but I have to dedicate all of my focus to do so. That means I can't take the hits for you anymore." The image turned so that it looked like Samson was staring him in the eyes. "You have to get stronger. We got lucky today. If Cruger hadn't been here, the story would be very different. We most likely would have been killed, and the Resistance would be next. We can't rely on the strength of others anymore."

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