~Chapter 5~

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~Chapter 5~

It was in a beautiful underwater land with rainbow coral and beautiful wildlife. What was this wildlife you ask? They were the Techno Trolls. They were all different colors and they looked almost exactly like the normal troll, except they had tails like mermaids.

One Techno Troll in particular was King Trollex. He was a dark blue troll with a dark pink heart in the middle of his chest. He also had a dark blue tail with rainbow colored scales and neon green hair that stood in the middle of his head.

"What's up my Tech-no Trolls!" he shouted. Never was there a quiet moment among the Techno Trolls. Everyone was always swimming, dancing, or 

All of the Techno Trolls cheered loudly, they really loved their king.

"Are you ready for the drop?" he asked.

The crowd cheered louder, they were getting impatient.

"Come on!"

"Press it King Trollex!"

"Wait for it!" King Trollex said.

"I can't wait anymore!"

"Wait for it!" he said again. Then he winked at the drop button.

"LET'S DO THIS King Trollex!" he beamed.

"ONE MORE TIME!" King Trollex yelled.

He dropped his hand on the drop button. It released a very catchy beat that all the Techno Trolls seemed to love. They all swam up and down in a pattern. It made them look like they were a rainbow wave.

All of the trolls were having a blast, some dancing with families, and kids dancing together.

At this particular time, he was singing a song for his tribe it went something like;

One More Time

"One more time we're gonna celebrate

Oh yeah all right don't stop the dancing

One more time we're gonna celebrate

Oh yeah all right don't stop the dancing

One more time we're gonna celebrate

Oh yeah all right don't stop the dancing

One more time we're gonna celebrate

Oh Yeah don't stop the dancing

One more time you know I'm just feelin'




Don't wait too late

We don't stop, you can't stop

We're gonna celebrate

One more time

One more time!"

But right when he was about to finish his song, he heard rock music in the distance.

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