Chapter 33

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Dream opened his eyes to a white room. Well, he couldn't tell if it really was a room or not. He wasn't standing or sitting; he pretty much just floated. But he didn't have a shadow. Maybe the room was white. Was this his afterlife?

A hundred years ago, white rooms like this like torture chambers. Nothing but white walls, a white cieling, white clothes, and white rice for days. Sometimes longer. The solitude drove people insane. Dream didn't find white room torture a very fun limbo.

Now Limbo? Different for everyone. A train station for some, an endless field of flowers for others. A permanent paradise. Perhaps you could alter it at whim? Maybe it was possible to traverse into others' Limbo? Your Limbo is whatever you think is perfection. A place you make your own.

The white walls disipated revealing a room eerily familiar to Dream. Had he been here before? Dream sat on a bed under a window. He looked around the room.

A pale birch spiral staircase and countless chests lining the walls screamed to be noticed, but Dream's mind was empty. He couldn't recall this place even if he tried.

Oak leaves bordered the underside of each window, and the brick outer walls confused Dream further. A set of footsteps coming down the staircase, and a booming, satirical, voice suddenly called out to him.

"Dream! Dream! Do your shoes need shining?"

Dream looked up to see a pale hand reaching down to him. Looking up the arm to who it belonged to, his jaw dropped. Technoblade smiled.

His hair was long and pink and tied in a loose ponytail, and a cape hung around his body. He wore clothes a little too similar to his character to seem real, but the familiarity was comforting. Dream smiled, taking the outstretched hand.

"Haha, Technoblade," Dream smiled, "I'm not even wearing shoes."

Technoblade rolled his eyes, "Whatever you say, Dream. Just follow me."

Dream hurried after Technoblade out one of the various exit-entrances.

"Remember where we are?"

Dream turned back to look at the building they'd just left. They stood on one of four wooden pathways in the water, and the floor inside the building was made entirely of repeated grid patterns. What were they called? The memories came flooding his mind and Dream burst out laughing finally recognising where they were.

The DreamSMP.

His jaw dropped. Limbo was a facinating phenomena. He stood in a rebuilt Community House. Dream had to run his hands over the walls and windows to make sure he wasn't hallucinating. He even jumped into the water and swam under the wooden paths. Technoblade pulled him out of the water.

"After all this time..." Dream trailed off, "This is where I get to spend the rest of my life?"

Techno blade corrected him, "Well actually, we're here for the rest of time but hey, close enough." 

"Holy shit," Dream laughed.

"Not to get all depressing," Technoblade placed a hand on Dream's shoulder. "But we were all hoping you'd make it longer than us, Man."

"Heh," Dream laughed, "What'd you expect from a speedrunner?"

"No!" Techno replied, making Dream wheeze, "You were the main character's cool sensei! You were suppo- no, no, they usually die too."

"Yeah, the Ash got to me."

"Because you were too lovesick and stubborn."

"I was not."

Technoblade ignored Dream's protest and continued, "But hey, we're all excited to finally have you."

"Who else is here?"

Technoblade smiled. His toothy grin encouraging a replica to reflect on Dream's.

"Let's go see."

And that friends is the official end of this book. The partner book is shorter and still being written but at least a chapter or two should be uploaded soon. Within the month or something. Thank you so much for reading!!

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