Chapter 29

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Dream didn't even react to the sound of Sapnap's voice. He was still livid. His back remained facing the table inside the tent, so Sapnap spoke again. Louder.

"Hate me for as long as you fucking want, man. I don't regret the fire."

"I don't care about the fire. I care that you burned every last thing that we built. And we built it together."

"Don't give me that," Sapnap glared, "I told you- or at least tried to tell you, countless times, Dream. You're the one who didn't listen. If you had just-"

"Cut the bullshit, Sapnap. What did you come here for?"

His fists clenched, "I came to tell you something."

"Then spit it out," Dream's voice dripped venom.

Sapnap huffed at his friend's stubbornness, "If you're not back in three months, I will come drag your dumb ass back here."

"Why do you care so much?" Dream dared to look Sapnap in the eye. "You clearly didn't care when you burned our home down."

"Not even going into that shit, houses are replaceable. People aren't." Sapnap challenged Dream's steel tone with an icy one of his own. "And if you don't come back alive, your sister will kill you. She will revive you just to kill you again."

Dream visibly tensed at the mention of his sister. Sapnap was being unreasonable bringing her into this. His jaw clenched, and he gripped the table he was leaning on tighter. Though he knew his friend was pissed, Sapnap smirked and pushed him further.

"And oh God, your brother. And Tubbo. Even Technoblade and Ranboo. Who knows what they'd say if you died out there. Who knows what they'd do. Would you leave us behind like that? Or maybe you just haven't thought about them. I'll bet you didn't even know what happened between Techno and Ranboo."

Dream's blood boiled. He was infuriated, and Sapnap knew it. But Dream also didn't understand the weight his presence had on the SMP. Even though he needed to. Sapnap knew Dream acted and relied more on his ideas than others input, but he was intent on beating the message into him.

"Sapnap, get out."

"Oh but Dream," Sapnap crossed his arms to piss him off further. "I'm just saying that-"

"Get out, Sapnap."

Though neither would back down, only one had control and rationality.

"-you have people who care about you. Even if we don't agree with you all the time-"

"Sapnap! Get. The Fuck. Out."

He glared snapping louder than Dream's shouts.

"-we care so fucking much about your goddamn ass! We fucking love you-"

The force of Dream's fist hitting wood left a large, splintering indent in the table behind him. The table that had been with them since the Waves began. Ignoring the irony and his own flinching, Sapnap shouted over the sound of the impact.

"So don't use George as a fucking excuse to go off and fucking die!"


Dream waved goodbye and rode off into the Atlantic ocean on a shitty sailboat with nothing but a few bottles of water and a a few cans of tuna. Not to mention barely any wind. Three months passed surprisingly fast with no sign of Dream, but Sapnap had faith. No matter what happened or how they left things, Dream always kept his word. He would come home any day now. Sapnap just had to be patient. He waited another month.

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