Chapter 13

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Tommy woke from his dreamless sleep groggy and still exhausted, and all he could think about was the previous day's events. Sleep did a lot of things but altering past events wasn't one of them. He squinted in the morning sunlight and rolled over expecting to find a dark seat to go back to sleep against. Instead, there was more light. Blinking twice, the car jolted getting some air, and Tommy landed hard on his back. He groaned sitting upright and rubbing his eyes.

"Dream?" Tommy groaned, rubbing his now aching back. "Why's the car moving?"

"Sorry, Tommy," Dream called from the driver's seat. "The car had some gas and the wheel was on the right. I couldn't help it."

"You couldn't've tried to help it?"

"I missed driving on the right. Your British cars are so strange."

"Why is there a car with the wheel on the right?" Tommy asked crawling into the front passenger seat.

Dream shrugged, "Why not?"

"Isn't it like, illegal to drive on the wrong side though?"

He shrugged again, "Steal car now. Ask questions later. Put your seat belt on."

"Aw why though? It's not like there's anyone else is on the road."

"Just do it."

"That's not poggers, Big Man. Who's arrest us if I didn't wear this shit anyways?"

"By that logic, no one'll pull us over for driving on the right."

"So where are we going?" Tommy asked, begrudgingly buckling himself in.

"So far, we're just driving along the beach," Dream replied glancing quickly in the mirror. "We should reach Dover by tonight. You slept like a log by the way. It's like, noon."

"Really? God, I could go for another twelve hours," Tommy rubbed his eyes again, wiping away the sleep crusties. "How are you driving?"

"There was a cane in the back," Dream pointed to a stick leaning against his seat. "I've been poking the gas pedal with it."

Tommy groaned, "You could've just woken me up to drive, y'know."

"You looked so peaceful sleeping though."

Tommy dropped his fist on Dream's head like an anime character.

"Well, I'm awake now arsehole. Now move over."

"Request denied," Dream chuckled, "You've been asleep all day though. I've been driving for hours. Pretty sure I can take a couple more."

Tommy cackled out of nowhere, "Alright man, just try not to kill us, alright?"

"No promises," Dream said weaving between abandoned cars.

"Hey, hey dickhead!" Tommy yelped clutching the handle above his head. "I said try not to kill us! Not try to kill us!"

Dream wheezed, "If I were trying to kill you, you'd already be dead!"

Tommy glared, and they both broke into laughter.

"Damn, sleep really makes a difference in mood."

Dream nodded, "I slept in later than I did before the apocalypse too. I woke up like, an hour ago."

"Can I go back to sleep?" Tommy asked still drowsy.

"Sure. Just sleep lightly in case we have to..." Dream sighed at that last part. "You know."

Nodding, Tommy leaned against the window and returned to his still sleep. Minutes later, his breathing softened and body relaxed. Dream sighed grateful for the boy's exhaustion and kept his eyes on the road.

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