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The day everyone was waiting for, The Final Disc War.

January 20th was the date everyone would remember. Tommy and Tubbo would go off to find Dream and hopefully get Tommy's discs back. Sapnap had wanted to say goodbye, but decided not to. He was still angry at Dream and didn't want to risk saying something he regretted or telling the boys to do something he would regret later on.

Hours later Punz was rounding everybody up and telling them to go to a specific location. Sapnap had made sure Karl was at his library for safety purposes before leaving. In a few days Karl would go back to his childhood home to visit family and check in. Sapnap and Quackity would escort him and then walk back to the lands alone.

Sapnap had no idea what Punz was saying, so he just followed Quackity and Ranboo to wherever it was they were going. Sapnap came across a portal and hesitated.

"I, uh, i can't go through. Is there another way to go?" Sapnap asked.

"Uh i'll take you!" Quackity offered quickly, already knowing the situation at hand. They walked the long journey to the destination. They walked inside and took a Blackstone elevator down to another area.

There were faint conversations heard from Tommy and Tubboi. Tommy was getting overly emotional as Tubbo was saying goodbye.

Sapnap's heart lurched for the boys, they were only sixteen and already being forced to say goodbye to someone they've known almost they're entire life.

"I'm sorry, Dream." Punz said, voice monotone.

"Punz?" Dream said, shock and anger seeping into his tone. Sapnap knew the tone all too well. Shit was about to get messy.

"I'm sorry, Dream, but you should've paid me more." Punz said with a shrug, holding his sword in one hand as his enchanted armour shined a purple colour. More people started flooding the Nether portal as Sapnap and Quackity descended from the elevator.

"YOU CAME!" Tommy exclaimed happily.

Dream chased Tubbo and Tommy before Sapnap intervened.

"Step away from them." Sapnap defended, pushing his old friend back. Chaos erupted within the small room. Sapnap stayed near the man he's known for so long but has recently been very unrecognizable.

Tommy started yelling about how he hadn't blown up the community house and how Dream had done it. Sapnap knew how Dream worked. He may be a good liar, hell a fucking great liar, but knowing someone for over a decade gives you perks nobody else has.

The moment Tommy said he hadn't blown up the community house and blamed it on Dream, he knew it wasn't a lie. Dream's shoulders slacked but also tensed so it wouldn't show as if he's given up. He ran a hand through his dirty blonde hair and fixed the hood of his hoodie. All the signs Dream had shown gave Sapnap all the evidence he needed.

Dream was a different person now. A power hungry, manipulative, lying son of a bitch.

Sapnap decided in that moment that he cannot hate dream but he can dislike him and who he's become a hell of a lot.

Tommy lead Dream over to a hallway where things were scattered along the walls with signs. Sapnap stayed at the front of the group, distracted by the signs hanging on the wall.

A cage for Skeppy. A sign for Beckerson and Mars. Henry and Friend in fences at the back. The axe of Peace. Everything was coming together in Sapnap's mind now. He was taking the one thing everybody held an attachment to on the server for power, for more control.

His immediate reaction was to protect Karl, but he couldn't just leave right this minute. He and Quackity would have to escort him home immediately and not in a few days as planned.

"Everything in the hole Dream." Tommy's voice pulled Sapnap back to reality. Sapnap could see Dream's emerald green eyes glancing at him from behind his mask. Sapnap walked to the back of the group, not wanting to give in to the manipulation and guilt Dream would try to put on him.

Dream obeyed once Sapnap walked away. Tommy had been happy about defeating Dream and finally having leverage over him this time. Once Dream stopped talking entirely, Sam Punz and Sapnap escorted him to the prison built entirely for the man Sapnap loved.

"You let this happen to me, Sap." Dream mumbled.

"No, Dream, i told you to stop while you were ahead. This one's on you."

"You should've stood up for me."

"When? Before or after you started harassing me and my friends. Before or after you started fucking me and George over. No Dream, i should not have stood up for you. I broke my compass for a reason." Sapnap said, ending the conversation there. Dream hadn't stopped talking, but Sapnap simply ignored him as they walked him to the prison.

Sapnap didn't fully go in. He didn't completely trust himself as to not do something to let him escape. He wanted Dream in here, he couldn't mess that up now.

| time skip |

Sapnap called out for Karl when he reached his library.

"Sap? You alright?" Karl asked, emerging from his library.

"I've gotta get you back home, alright? Stay for a few days, a week maybe. It's dangerous right now." Sapnap worried.

"Sap, what's going on?"

"Dream had an entire place full of attachments. Henry, Friend, My fish, Techno's axe. Anything everyone had an attachment to is in there. I could care less about my fish. He knows the one thing i care and love most within the lands is you. If you aren't on the lands he can't hurt you or have anyone else hurt you." Sapnap explained.

"Alright, i'll stay away until you tell me to come back." Karl said, hugging his significant other.

"Maybe you could stay with me a few days as well?" Karl asked as they walked towards Quackity's home.

"I don't mind. Only a few days as i have so many things to fix, but yeah i could use a break." Sapnap said with a small laugh.

They said their goodbyes to Quackity and told him to stay here instead of going with them. Neither wanted the man to walk alone. They walked to Karl's home that had been left untouched for so many months.

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