Ch.4 Need

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■3rd Person POV■

It's been two months since Y/N and Ushijima became a third-year student. The two rarely meet and somehow this is starting to bother Ushijima.

His teammates could see that something is definitely on his mind. While he stays composed during practice, everyone could see as he keeps on gazing at the bleachers once in a while.

Goshiki: Ushijima san... he looks pretty off when he's out of the court...

Tendo: yep... because the one who could turn him on is not here...

Ohira: Tendo your choice of words kind of... wrong

Semi: but Ushijima is totally distracted right now... I don't think that he realizes that the sole of his shoes is splitting.

The school bell will ring at any minute, so the volleyball team ended their morning practice and head to their class.

Y/N is turning on the hall stairs when she bumps into someone's broad back. A familiar scent makes her look up.

Y/N: Waka...toshi...

Ushijima's eyes widened, It's been months since their last encounter. Y/N never come to his practice anymore or approach him after class. No more studying together in the library.

In the past, they used to hang together because Y/N always approaches Ushijima, but now that she avoids doing it they never meet. Ushijima never been the guy who approaches first that's why he didn't know what to do, and now he could finally see her.

Ushijima: Y/N you okay?

Y/N: yes... just finished your morning practice?

Ushijima stares at the girl in front of him, his childhood friend, the one who always been right next to him

Ushijima: yes... let's go to our floor together...

Y/N was surprised when Ushijima suggested them to climb the stairs together.

Y/N: o-okay...

The two walk together to the third year's floor on the fourth floor. They walk in silence, it's always been like this. They always walk in silence but Y/N was happy just to be next to Ushijima.

But now, their silence walking makes Ushijima feels happy to walk next to Y/N after months of not seeing each other. And the girl is actually missing this moment as well.

Ushijima: how's your new class?

Y/N was surprised that Ushijima actually starts a conversation.

Y/N: um... it's great... how about you Wakatoshi? How's practice?

Wakatoshi flinched a little.

Ushijima: it's... fine...

Y/N: great...

The truth is Ushijima couldn't concentrate completely. When there's a game he could try his best to focus on the game. But during break time, he couldn't help but look for Y/N on the bleachers, where she's not there.

They've reached the fourth floor and walk to the same hall as their classroom is next to each other.

They're now right in front of Ushijima's class. Ushijima calls Y/N's name, makes the girl look at him.

Ushijima: see you... around...

Y/N's eyes are widened. Ushijima never says anything like that before, when they partway it's always her who said that, and he never return it. He would only reply with a "yes" or a "hum"

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