Step 15

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<A/N> Hi, just a few things, this chapter is shorter than I usually like them to be but there is a lot going on so I hope the quality makes up for quantity. Also, the next chapter will be longer I promise I am starting to work on it but I thought it was a good cut-off point. I post a new chapter every Sunday for this story, this is the only story of mine that has a set schedule right now, and when this one is done my next oldest story will be my new scheduled story. I am currently working on another Bucky Story it's a modern mafia AU and I hope it will be out soon I am feeling a little stuck on where to start it but I have it planned to the end already and maybe even to a series if you guys like it. This chapter does end on a cliffhanger and there will be no update until next Sunday so sorry but patience is a virtue and I promise I will make it up to you.

"When Nat came back the energy she brought with her changed. She always thought she had to prove herself again and again. Her past was a ghost following her that could never be changed, but the feelings we had for one another were still there. It was a hot and heavy relationship that fizzled out into two hot-headed people trying their best to not constantly want to kill the other. There were days we would hurt each other just because we could. She would leave for weeks at a time trying to find a deed that didn't need to be done, just so she could feel like she wasn't such a shitty person for her past and I was stuck here. She would come back with her head held high, proud of this beautiful thing she had accomplished, knowing full well I was going through the same thing without having the power to fix my side. I was battling my demons alone and then had to be happy when she was able to kill a few of hers. They never stayed dead for long though. She would ride the high of having fixed her own little corner of the world for a while but then would instantly feel the need to go back to do it again. It became so tiring trying to keep her happiness and my own alive when they didn't want to coexist."

"Did you love her?"

"Yes and no. I loved her as a person and as the amazing human she was but there was never a chance for us to be in love. We were both so consumed with our own guilt there was no way we could have given ourselves over to the other; we didn't trust each other."

"So what happened?"

"She came back after one of her apology tours and I had been in a dark place. She never asked if I was okay or if I needed her around she would just start picking fights with me because of my attitude." He ran his hand through his newly shortened hair keeping his hand on the back of his head. "I was an ass but I needed more from the person who was supposed to care for me more than anyone else and I realized she was too caught up trying to love herself. It was amicable and I will be friends with her forever but it wasn't right for us. Even now it still feels to fresh for our friendship to properly thrive."

"Am I- do I-" He cut you off placing his hands on your shoulders rubbing your arms trying to comfort you

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"Am I- do I-" He cut you off placing his hands on your shoulders rubbing your arms trying to comfort you.

"Never, doll. You're more than I could have ever hoped for. I realize I don't deserve you. I wake up every day waiting for you to realize it too."

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