Step 7

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<A/N> Idk if you are actually listening to the song but this chapter is brought to you by "affection"- by BETWEEN FRIENDS. Strap in she's FLUFFFFFYYY

The slow and steady thump of Bucky's calming heart had been your lullaby. The warm embrace of his arms had been your safe space, and as his hand moved up and down your bareback you were brought a sense of peace. You were safe and calm in his embrace.

When you woke you inhaled the scent of Bucky's body wash as you lay on his chest. His breathing rhythmic and steady under your head. You could tell by the way you moved without his noticing that he was still sleeping. You slid out your side of the bed slowly trying not to wake him being as quiet as possible. Looking up at the blinking red light on the alarm clock it was nearly 2 am. You and Bucky had fallen asleep around 5 pm and slept through dinner. When you stood you could feel an unmistakable ache in your core, when you took your first step you winced throwing your hand over your mouth to muffle the noise of discomfort. Bucky really had opened you up and left you sore. It made you smile, remembering the amazing image of his beautiful body slamming into yours, it made your heart flutter.

You walked across the room and into the bathroom, you needed a shower. Your thighs and center still covered in your own mess, leaving a film on your skin that just made you feel dirty. The cold tiles under your feet made your body shiver, you turned on the hot water and slipped back into the glass shower. With little to distract you your mind began to wander again, you could almost laugh at the differences in the last few hours of your life brought you, but that seemed to be a trend for you recently.

You stood under the stream of warm water letting the water trickle down your body. Your back muscles relaxed at the heat and the steam warmed your face. The feeling of blood circulating returned to your unbearably cold feet. You placed your hands on the tile in front of you while you faced the shower head letting the water run down your back. Your brain was working a million miles an hour, you really couldn't keep up with the cluster fuck that had become your life. You washed your body avoiding getting your hair wet, but that wasn't enough of a distraction for you to stop thinking.

You'd spent one nice day with him and lost the ability to control yourself. You had practically thrown yourself at him, jumping his bones the first time the opportunity presented itself. I mean he fucked the absolute shit of you, giving you the best sex of your life, you'd had some shitty sex but Bucky had made you cum twice with ease. His size filled you so perfectly, proving that orgasms were actually possible simply from penetration. (Who would've thought?) But the feeling of unease hit you hard after your lust dissipated. He had been sweet to cuddle into you but you'd lost the ability to talk about your feelings bypassing the fuck out. You couldn't help but think about what this meant to him, frankly, you weren't sure what it meant to you. Plus you were still a bit thrown off by his complete ability to be a total fucking ass.

Walking back into Bucky's room you retrieved the light blue t-shirt he was wearing before you'd taken complete advantage of him. You let it fall over your body warming your semi damp skin. Climbing back into bed you felt too strange to curl back into him so you stayed on the other side giving you some space before you fell back asleep for the night.

When the morning came you felt a weight on your hip that was unfamiliar, you looked down to see the vibranium arm wrapped around your body. You could feel the man attached to it cuddled up behind your back and you couldn't resist but to wiggle your hips slightly back into him, your move was a little bolder than you had intended forgetting he was still naked. You giggled when the vibranium fingers flexed outward before balling into a fist, at the movement. That same hand grab on your hip over the blanket and squeezed at the skin and bone, sending shivers through your body.

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