Chapter 16

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Eva's POV
Katie and I wrap up our conversation after a few short minutes.

She tells me that she is going to Anna's house after school and that if I'm going to apologize I should go do it after they are done talking. I agree and tell her to text me when.

We say our goodbyes just as the bell for 4th period starts.

I need to plan what I'm going to say to Anna. I know I sound like a total bitch but, I didn't mean to tell her I was using her.

Skip to end of school

Katie's POV
School just ended. I told Eva to take an Uber home so Anna and I could just go straight to her house.

Karina and I go to her car and see her already waiting at the passenger door.

A: "No Eva?"

KP: "nah not today. She had to do something after school"

A: "oh okay"

I get in the passenger seat and Karina gets the aux.

I look over at Anna and she's tapping her fingers on the wheel.

KP: "hey boon, you ok?" 

A: "we can talk about it at my house" she whispers

She gets to Karina's and we drop her off.

A: "ayo wanna get some food first?"

KP: "yea sure, panda?"

A: "of course bebe" she says smiling ear to ear

Oh my god. Anna is so beautiful. I really hope she feels what I feel for her. Her smile lights up the world. She cares so much about everyone and needs someone to care for her like she does for everyone else.

We get to Panda Express and order. Once we get to the house Anna leads me to her bedroom and we eat and watch a movie. During the movie, it got really hot so Anna let me borrow some of her shorts and she took her shirt off. After we eat we begin the conversation.

K: "so.. boon, what's up?"

A: "a lot. I'll start from the beginning"

A: "okay first off, my dad is back in town"


A: "Katie, Katie listen"

A: "I'm getting sober"

K: "okay? What does that have to do with anything"

A: "sorry I should've gave context. My dad came back to get custody of Brandon. And since my parents won't be in town for 2 more months, I'm going to fight to be his legal guardian."

K: "wait Anna, are you serious?"

A: "well yeah, I can't let my dad take him"

K: "Anna, that's great!"

A: "wait what?"

K: "that's great. You are so good with Brandon"

A: "oh, I brought you here hoping you would talk me out of it" she says scratching the back of her neck.

K: "well, you aren't getting that from me. I think you should do it"

A: "yeah?"

K: "yeah, I will help you get sober"

A: "thanks Katie. I love you so much" she says leaning in for a hug.

As we are hugging I hear quiet sobs. I pull away and see her eyes watering.

K: "boon, what's wrong?" I say wiping her tears

A: "E-Eva" she says slurring her words

KP: "Anna, what about Eva?"

A: "she's not talking to me"

K: "what, why?"

A: "we were hanging out and we were having a great time, up until she kissed me. I kissed her back. I don't know it's like I couldn't control myself. Then, she took her shirt off. And that's when I realized, she wanted to hookup"

K: "well, did you?"

A: "No, of course not"

K: "what the hell? Why?"

A: "because... it's complicated"

A: "I can't believe I'm saying this but, I like Eva"

My heart dropped.

K: "y-you what?"

A: "Katie please don't make me say it again. It's not that I'm ashamed, it's just, I hate falling for straight girls"

I was contemplating on telling her but in the end, it would do nothing but make things more complicated.

I mean I love Anna but I've accepted that she might never love me back. And that's ok. I know she loves me as a best friend. So that's enough

K: "well, how do you know she's straight?"

A: "she told me"

K: "Oh. Well you should try talking to her"

A: "I can't, I got too much going on at the moment"

KP: "Anna, listen to me, talk to her."

A: "okay, I will"

K: "promise me you will"

A: "I promise"

K: "okay good"

A: "thanks Katie"

She leans in for a hug. I lay on my back and she moves her head to my chest. I begin to give her head scratches and play with her hair.

I texted Eva about 5 minutes ago to come. I wonder what's taking her so long.

Eva's POV
Katie texted me saying I should go to Anna's. I get in my car and drive there as quick as I could. I get to her house and go to knock on the door.

I start getting really nervous. Why am I nervous? Oh right, because I just had my first fight with my best friend and have no clue what I'm going to say.

I raise my fist to knock on the door. Okay Eva you're fine, relax. I knock 3 times. No one opened the door.

I knock again. No one.

I twist the door knob and see it's open.

I look around and see no one in the kitchen or living room. So I go upstairs. I get to Anna's room and slowly turn the handle.

When I open the door I see Anna laying on Katie's chest, shirtless. And Katie is wearing a shirt and shorts. Did they just hookup? Anna had sex with her but not me?! How could Katie do this to me? I close the door and run out of the house. 

I drive to my house, run into my room and close the door. I immediately start bawling my eyes out. After about an hour of crying I get ready for bed. 

I don't need Anna. If she doesn't want me, I don't want her. I'll show her I don't need her. 


Sorry for not updating recently. Ive been busy. Also thank you so much for 1.4k views! I love ya'll

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