Chapter 14

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1 month later:

I went to the checkup yesterday and they said the baby is doing fine just keep up the good work. I'm sitting in my room and doing my work when Henry just came up in here and lock the door.

Henry: Char what the hell
Charlotte: what's your problem
Henry: I heard you kiss that Blake guy
Charlotte: it was a mistake ok I didn't mean too
Henry: oh a mistake huh
Charlotte: yes so just get off my back
Henry: I'm not getting off your back I'm looking out for you
Charlotte: oh really cause last time I check you broke up with me talking about I wann make my parents happy well fuck them (as she threw her textbook at him)
Henry: woah watch it
Charlotte: you know I love you and I can't never get you out of my head and let you go. And since I love you too much I can't keep this for you
Henry: what is it
Charlotte: 2 weeks ago me and Blake slept together (tears falling out) but he use a condom
Charlotte: I'm so sorry Henry (crying) I'm really am
Henry: so am I for loving you
Charlotte: what, you love me and you know that
Henry: do I cause it what I just heard it doesn't sound like love
Charlotte: but you can get in bed with Bianca and I can't get in bed with nobody else. You just selfish
Henry: I don't love you anymore (leaving and slamming the door)
Charlotte: Henry! (Crying and felt a pain in her stomach and decide to take a pill)

When I took one I thought about what Henry said that he doesn't love me anymore that hurt me more than anything I love him with all my heart and I made a mistake but he had a girlfriend but still loved him. Then I think about what Henry's mom said and words keep popping in my head and couldn't take it anymore. I took 2 more of the pills and placed the bottle in the draw and I walk to the kitchen to get me a snack when I got to sit on the couch I feel dizzy I place my chips on the coffee table and next thing I know is I fell on the couch and everything went black.

Blake Pov:

I decide to go visit Charlotte and tell her to talk to her hope she doesn't hate me. I knock on the door but no one answer then I tried 5 more times still no answer so I grab a spare key that Charlotte gave me and unlock the door. When I got inside I see Charlotte on the couch I thought she was sleep so I shake her a little trying to get her up but she wouldn't budge. Then I try to push her off the couch a little and she was out cold oh no. I check her to see she still alive and she was and I decided to call the ambulance and have them pick her up.
2 hours later and in the Hospital

Katrina: Blake what happen
Blake: I went to go visit her then when I got there I thought she was sleep on the couch then I tried to wake her up then she wouldn't come so I push her off the couch a little to see if she wake up. But then she wouldn't so I know she was out.
Katrina: oh god
Doctor: Umm Charlotte Page family
Katrina: were her friends how is she
Doctor: she doing fine now she had an overdose
Blake: what but she not no drug person
Doctor: it appears she was taking her pills but had too much of it which led her to an overdose
Katrina: Charlotte, where is she now
Doctor: in the recovering room
Blake: wait what about the baby is the baby ok
Doctor: (huffs)
Katrina: please tell us
Doctor: I'm sorry the baby gone, but you can see her soon (leaving)
Blake: oh Char we need to tell Henry
Katrina: I tried to call him about Charlotte but he didn't answer his phone. I'm gonna try again (leaving)

Henry Pov:

Me and Bianca just had an amazing sex and she is now sleep I decided to see who was keep calling me. I check and it was Katrina probably want to talk about Charlotte, naw I'm not buying that. Then she call me again, I went to the other room and answer it.

Katrina: why didn't answer the phone dumb ass
Henry: if this is about Char...
Katrina: it is and she
Henry: I don't want to hear it
Katrina: she's in the hospital
Henry: what
Katrina: yeah so you can(hang up) Henry hello

I can't believe what Katrina said she's in the hospital. I look over and see Bianca said she's gone and I said bye.

2 days later

I been trying to call Charlotte for 2 days now and she's not picking up gosh I hope she's ok and the baby.

Blake Pov:

Charlotte was getting release but she had to go the bathroom first I hear her phone ringing and I went out the room to answer it.

Blake: hello
Henry: Blake, let me talk to Charlotte
Blake: I don't think that's gonna happen
Henry: please let me talk to my Char
Blake: so she's your Char now
Henry: just give her the fuckin phone
Blake: listen to me and listen carefully. I listen how Char always talks about you and said that you mean everything to her but you hurt her, yes she made a mistake with me we all did but you too busy trying to be mad and got a girlfriend who you don't even love.
Henry: I do love B and she loves me
Blake: yeah sure go ask her and think about all the times Char been there cause we all know Charlotte loves you the best and just leave her alone if you gonna cause more problems in her life (hangs up)

Charlotte: Blake I'm ready to go
Blake: ok come on (grabbing her bags and walking out after her)

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