Chapter 9

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Henry Pov:

I came home before Mom and Dad did so I decided to get me something to drink while I was getting a drink from the cabinet mom and dad walk in.

Siren: Henry, Henry
Henry: what, what do you want!!
Jake: don't yell at your mother
Henry: you right I should yell at the both of you (pouring the drink into the glass) I mean you may ruined my relationship with Charlotte
Siren: baby it was probably for the best
Henry: yeah the best for you 2 (drinking it all up and pouring him another one and going to the couch)
Siren: Henry I always want the best for you why don't you just get with Bianca in the first place
Henry: how many times I told you I don't like her
Siren: but she likes you
Henry: mom I love Charlotte I want to spend everyday with her as possible and maybe one day I want to marry her and have kids
Siren: slow your role I told you not to see her again
Henry: please (taking another drink) like that gonna happen
Jake: you will do whatever we say young man
Henry: you know I thought you 2 would support me and my decision in my life. I really love Charlotte she means a lot to me I thought maybe I was gonna have something special with her, but you took her out my life just like everything else (going into the kitchen and grabbing the bottle of vodka and going up to his room)
Siren: Henry get back here (as he slam the door)

I flop on the bed and just thinking about Charlotte then I grab my phone and look at pictures of Charlotte and me and some of them just Charlotte while drinking the bottle of vodka until I got a little soba then threw the bottle on the wall and feel on the bed and everything went blank.

Around 11pm

Charlotte Pov:

I couldn't sleep and stop thinking about Henry so I decided to text him

Char bear👅💞😘😍: can you meet me somewhere
Hen😍💞💞: How about at the club it's the best one
Char bear👅💞😘😍: idk
Hen😍💞💞: please😢
Char bear👅💞😘😍: ok pick me up in 15
Hen😍💞💞: kk

I went into my suite case and pick out a dress and got ready and I find a way to sneak out is to go out the back door.

I went into my suite case and pick out a dress and got ready and I find a way to sneak out is to go out the back door

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I got a ding from my phone and it was Henry he said he's outside. I got my coat, purse, and heels and walk out the house quietly lucky they didn't hear me I got in the car safely.

Henry: hey (as we kiss for a while) you know we could get in trouble right
Charlotte: ik but it's worth it I love spending time with you even if we get into trouble
Henry: me too, let's get going (taking off)

At the club:

Me and Henry was dancing and having a good time then I went to get me another drink after it I was basically dancing on Henry.

Authors Pov:

Charlotte and Henry eventually got drunk at the club and someone call taxi for them to take them home.

Charlotte Pov:

Taxi driver: wanna take y'all home
Henry: no I wanna taste a bit my honey before we go home so take us anywhere but home (kind of slur)
Taxi driver: as you say

When I was finna open the hotel room door up Henry came infront of me and kiss me roughly and I kiss back we finally open the door as we continue to kiss and Henry close the door with his foot. Then rip his button shirt up and we both fell onto the bed and you all know what happens after it.

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