Chapter 10

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Henry Pov:

I woke up from the sun shinning up on me then I look over and see Char sleep with a sheet covering her, wait did we have sex. I look on the floor and see clothes omg our parents are kill us, I sit there with my hand on my head until I see Charlotte starts moving.

Charlotte: morning

Henry: morning

Charlotte: hey you ok

Henry: yeah I'm fine

Charlotte: no you not

Henry: of course I'm not (getting out of bed and putting on his underwear) do you know we can get in trouble if our parents find out what we did and went behind there back

Charlotte: who cares what our parents think, I love you

Henry: but our don't want us seeing each other

Charlotte: Henry come here

Henry: (coming to set down on the bed not facing her)

Charlotte: why you letting your parents controlling your love life

Henry: I do not let my parents controll my love life or even my life

Charlotte: really cause you are supposed to be my boyfriend and you were supposed to fight for our relationship but look at you, you just a spoiled brat and want his parents to he happy no matter how bad your life be

Henry: who the hell you calling a spoil brat! (pushing her off the bed)

Charlotte: hold up (getting up and putting on her bra and panties) since you want to play tuff let me show you one (slapping him hard)

Henry: oh bae you shouldn't done that (touching his cheeks)
Charlotte: go head slap me back and it be the last thing you ever regret trust me.

Henry: you know we need to take a break

Charlotte: you really going to let our parents take control of our love life. I really do love you and last night when we saw each other I thought what we did was something special even though we might have been drunk but it was worth it.

Henry: I love you but you know how my parents are especially my mom.

Charlotte: of course she wants you with Bianca (putting her clothes on)

Henry: then maybe I get with her to make ny parents happy

Charlotte: you wouldn't

Henry: I would

Charlotte: Katrina was right you are crazy but I love you. You know what go head and see what that leaves you (grabbing her things)

Henry: Char bae you know I'm doing this make my parents happy and maybe I do like Bianca

Charlotte: (punch him) you little bitch after everything we been through I was there for you

Henry: don't you ever call me a bitch again bitch

Charlotte: oh here we go again you want to fight. (Putting her stuff down) bring it you can hit me all you want but guess what I may send you to the hospital or worse so you really want to hit me go head take a swing

Henry: I don't want to fight you ok

Charlotte: ok, but guess what when you get with Bianca or anybody you gonna look back and think "why didn't I just support my relationship with Charlotte or better why I let my parents jeopardize my relationship with the person I loved" (grabbing her things) nice knowing you (slamming the door)

What did I just do, did I just broke up with Charlotte? I grab my things and let the hotel and catch a cab.
I went back to the house and pack my things while I was grabbing my folder something feel out, I grab it off the floor and it was a pic of me and Char.

 I went back to the house and pack my things while I was grabbing my folder something feel out, I grab it off the floor and it was a pic of me and Char

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What I didn't know was tears falling out my eyes I wipe them off and pack the rest of my stuff and head out, going back on the campus.

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