Chapter 9: Madness

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*Karls pov*
I drew for couple of hours random images that I found online. I got really mad if I didn't do it right. I scrubbled they're faces or the view. I got a call from Sapnap. Ofcourse I picked it up.

"Hello?" I said still drawing and image.
"Heyyyy!!! How you doin??" He was very exited. But for what?
"Nothing much, what about you?"
"Neither am I doing something, maybe want to hang out?" He asked.
"Sure you can come to my house or we can go somewhere" It was Saturday, my mom had a full day job so she wont be home till 11pm.
"Alright I will be there in 5 minutes"
"Were you goddamn outside of my house?" I asked suprised.
"Maybe" He then hung up and I heard a knock.
I went to open. He pulled me into a hug. I hugged back.
"I thought you said 5 minutes!" I answered giggling.
"I speedrunned this" He said proudly.
I giggled and invited him inside. He went in the house, I closed the door and went upstairs with him. I forgot that my drawings were on my table.
When I was at the stairs he already was at my room.

"Who is this?" He pointed out a drawing that I scrubbed on as the second I walked in.
"I uhm.. I tried to... uhm.." I didn't know what to say.
"Who is that?" He walked closer to me.
"I-its you.." I said scratching my arm." I tried to but I couldn't..It didn't work.."
There was uncomfortable silence. He walked closer to me and gave me a hug. I melted into the hug.
"Hey its okay, I believe in you.." He said comfortably."But why do you scrubbed it.?"
"I tried to draw from my mind as how I remember you but I have aphantasia.."
"Sorry.." After that he gave me a kiss on the head. I slightly started tearing up. He broke the hug and cupped my face and washes the tears away.

"Maybe want to go somewhere to clear mind off?" He asked. I nodded. "Alright then, grab the keys and were going" He said that as he went downstairs. I grabbed the keys from my table and went downstairs. He waited for me. I grabbed a blanket if we needed it. We both went outside, I locked the house, and saw Sapnap getting in his car. I went to sit in the passenger seat. I putted the blanket at the back.
"So uhm where are we going?" I asked.
"To the shop and maybe to the ice-rink?" He asked looking at me but then later looking at the road.
"Yeah sure sounds fun!" I said smiling. I lived ice skating. I was like 6 when I started it. I got a lot of bruises but that was fine. I never did pay attention to my scars and bruises.

We went to the shop picked some snacks and drinks for the ice skating. We both walked around if we wanted something more. Then I saw someone who I never wanted to see..
Dream waved at Sapnap. My eyes went down at the groud fast, I just didn't want to see him. I felt Sap's hand go into mine. He wont let that happend again.

"Hey Sapnap, how you doing man?" He offered a hug, but Sapnap refused.
"I'm good thank you for asking." Sap answered in a normal voice but a little darker.
"Mkay man,hey uhm Karl?" Dream asked me. My eyes went up to face him. "Look im sorry, about the other day. I really didn't know that Sapnap would hurt you. I hope we can be friends." As Dream said that, as he talked his face went slowly down facing the ground.
"Sure yeah okay, I forgive you." I didn't thought of consequences, I just forgave him.
"Thank you" He hugged me. I had to let go of Sapnap's hand to hug Dream. Maybe he was sorry. I don't know. I saw Sapnap break a smile. I smiles back.
"Alright then have fun with your guys date!" He said as he walked his way. When I heard these words I turned deep red. Sapnap chuckled, I could see some pink in his cheeks too. My heart was warmed.
"Alright is this everything we want?" He asked me.
"Yeah I think so" I answered as we both walked to the cashier. We both put stuff on the cashiers table and the lady scanned. The lady weirdly looked at me. Later on she asked me something.
"Hey you umm. Your kinda cute, can I get your number?" She asked as she was done scanning our snacks.
"Do I look straight to you?" I said as I point to Sapnap.
"Oh, I'm sorry I didn't know but I guess you guys are having a date so have fun!" She finnished as Sapnap payed and grabbed my wrist and on the other had the bag with the snacks. He went to the car dragging me out of the shop. His grip hurted. I tried to get his hand off my wrist but I couldn't, he was too strong for me. As we arrived at the car he shoved me in the passengers seat and put the snacks in the back. He went to the drivers seat and sat there doing nothing just staring at the parking lot.

I looked at him. My wrist hurted. I didn't want to scream at him but I couldn't keep my anger.
"NOTHING OKAY!DON'T TALK TO ME NOW YOU B*TCH! YOU DON'T EVEN HAVE A GOD DAMN CAR YOUR A BRAT!"He said that and looked me with a worried expresion on his face. My heart sank. He said it. He never screamed back, but 'course started it but those words, just hurted the most I grabbed my blanket from behing and got out of the car. He got out too.

"WHERE ARE YOU GOING?I'M SORRY!" He screamed as I walked away from the car slowly.
"BECAUSE I LIKE YOU!.." I turned back when I said that. "YOU KNOW WHY I DIDN'T GIVE HER THE NUMBER? BECAUSE I DON'T LIKE YOU! I LOVE YOU!!.." I fell on my knees. I never screamed at someone that much. I sobbed now. He came closer to me and bend down. He picked my face with his hand.
"I love you too." He said. "I'm sorry for screaming. I didn't meant to do that."
I wiped my tears off and looked at him.
I quickly leaned forwards to put ours lips together. He cupped my face to kiss me more. I wanted this so much. I never thought I could be here with him, kissing him at the parking lot, nobody here just the two of us.

We stopped kissing as we need to catch out breaths he picked me up bride style and carried me with the blanket in my hands. He putted me in the passenger seat and he also went to the his driver seat and we drove to the ice-rink.

1219 words


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