Reality : The Fluid Human

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The imaginary ego self and the labels we attach to it, are building up a mentally restrictive illusion which does not exist.

Social media, its currency dopamine, actively steering the ship. Without objectivity, it becomes provides an excellent opportunity to keep up a superficial facade - an illusion disconnected from reality, an escape from the responsibility of real life. An escape from the human self - through objectification and containment in labels, and through the receiving of superficial acceptance, validation and inclusion as rewards for fitting oneself into the relevant boxes.

Trying to separate yourself - from yourself.
The truth is - you can only ever be who and what you are. You can change physically, mentally, and superficially through adopting many different word-identities ... but we forget that words are only our second language, a temporary and mildly satisfactory translation from source energy, which is the first.

You cannot run from yourself. The further we run from the inner truth of who we are, the harder are deeper we fall into the dead ends of multiple self-inflicted prisons.

The answer? Own it.
Own everything you are instead of separating it.

To be truly un-bound is to mentally break out of the labelled boxes themselves.
Break out of self - separation, and let your consciousness and all it contains to implode back inwards, in order for it to burst into a beautiful supernova, expanding and mixing into your surroundings...

and be free.

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