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You asshole!


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Her eyes were puffy and red never lifting her gaze as tears still streamed down her cheeks. Her back ached from sitting against the wall all night; however, she stayed there, on the floor, the noise of waking gladers making their way to the doors not affecting her in the slightest. That was until lanky arms wrapped around her and pulled her up.

"Come on Darling the doors are opening"

Her eyes finally looked up, the doors were indeed opening, and when they finally stopped moving another loud sob escaped her lips before her knees gave up.

They weren't there. Minho wasn't there.

She was never going to hear his laugh again or see his scrunched eyes as he smiled. Or run her hands down his hair to the end of his spine. She was never going to tell him her favorite color or ask him why he liked it when she sneezed. She still had so much to ask, three years were not enough.

"I told you Chuck. They're not coming back." Newt returned to Jessi, trying to pick her up. "Let's go."


"No way."

"Yeah! Yes! Yeah!!"

Everyone turns back around, shocked looks and relieved faces were seen in all the gladers.


Jessi shakes Newts arm from around her and runs to Minho. He had put Alby on the floor with the help of everyone and now his arms were open to catch her as she jumps on him, hugging him tighter than ever.

"I thought you were dead. I thought I would never see you again, you asshole! I told you! I told you it wasn't safe!"

Minho just let a little grunt as she kept on hitting his chest, her tears staining his already dirty blue shirt.

"I know doll, I know. I'm sorry", he responded burying his head on her neck.

"Watch out. Easy.
What happened out there?
How did you guys make it out?
You saw a Griever?” questions were being thrown left and right barely letting Minho and Thomas talk however Thomas was the first to respond.
“Yeah, I saw one.”
“He didn't just see it. He killed it.” Minho responded, still having Jessi cling to him like a koala.


All keepers and gladers were now in the council room, a meeting where all that had happened was being talked about. Gally was the first to talk.

 “Things are changing.There's no denying that. First, Ben gets stung in broad daylight. And then Alby. And now our Greenie, here, has taken it upon go into the maze. Which is a vlear violation of our rules here.”

“Yeah...but he saved Alby's life.”

“Did he?” Gally responded. Then turned to Thomas for his next phrase, “For 3 years, we have coexisted with these things. And now, you've killed one of them. Who knows what that could mean for us.”

Next seemed to have had enough as he was the next to speak, “What do you suggest we do?”

“He has to be punished.”

The gladers didn’t seem to like that idea as gladers started to protest, “Come on.” “He killed a Griever!”

Next, however silenced everyone with his next question, “Minho. You were there with him. What do you think?”

Everyone turned to the couple that still cuddled together at the side, not letting each other go for even a second.

 “I all the time we've been one has ever killed a Griever before. When I turned tail and ran…”

He turned his head and pointed at Thomas, “this dumb shank stayed behind to help Alby. Look, I don't know if he's brave or stupid. But whatever it is, we need more of it. I say we make him a runner.”

That caused another uproar to start Frypan being the loudest, “A runner? What? Minho, let's not jump the gun, here. Alright?”

Chuck seemed to be the only one in favour as he started to chant Thomas’s name, not that anyone really paid attention.
However this seemed to aggravate Gally more and he started to talk again, “If you want to throw the newbie a parade, that's fine. Go ahead. But if there is one thing I know about the is that you do not-” 

There was a loud sound. Both Newt and Gally turned to each other before running out the door. 

Newt, Minho, Jessi, and Chuck stay by the council doors as Thomas talks, “Okay, wait. I know that sound.”

Chuck responds “The Box. It's coming back up.”

“it shouldn't be.” Minho finishes and that is all it takes before they too run towards the box.

When it opens Next is the one that climbs down.

“Newt, what do you see?” Fry asks.

It’s silent for a second before he says, “It's a girl.”

 A lot of ‘No ways’ it's what he gets back all of the giving Jessi a little glance.

“I think she's dead.” he finishes.

“What's in her hand?” Gally asks,"She's the last one... ever. What the hell does that mean?...Whoa!” 

The girl gasps loudly, 

Everyone turns their heads to Thomas, a mix of judgment and curiousnes in each of the gladers faces, Gally is the one that breaks the silence.

“Do you still think I'm overreacting?"


   I know this is rather short but I was really happy so here goes nothing. I have finished writing this book, days in which a new chapter will be posted are Wednesdays and Fridays.

  I have a question, would you guys liked it better if all three movies were in one book or if I should make a different book for each movie? I would really like your feedback on that as well as anything else on this book this is a ll for today.

        Happy readings!!!

P.s if there is any problem with the chapter please feel free to let me know as I have been having technical difficulties with it, thank you!!!!

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