| 19 | Cunning Shadow

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

Izuku blinked a few times before getting up realizing he didn't know where he was. He covered his naked body as soon as he felt the cold air brushing his skin. Where was Tomura? Did Todoroki leave? Did Shigaraki hurt him just like he had done to Kacchan? Izuku's mind was full of questions after remembering what he had done the day before.

Then his eyes fixated on the pile of clothes Todoroki had left. "I probably fell asleep before he could give them to me" Izuku mumbled to himself full of embarrasement. He threw his hand over his mouth as he realized the other person, being his colleague and all, probably saw him naked.

When he had let that all sink in while trying not to sink through the floor from embarrasement, he got out of the bed to put on the clothes Todoroki gave him. The black T-shirt was way too big for Midoriya's small figure, but he couldn't say that surprised him knowing he had been in shock because of Todoroki's bigger built body multiple times at work. The shirt looked like one of the dresses he had worn when he was still with Kacchan. So he left out the pants, realizing it would be a struggle to walk.

When the green haired man opened the door of the bedroom he saw the kitchen, he hadn't even looked at the day before, and Todoroki's broad back while he was cooking. The sound of the door opening made Todoroki turn his head a few seconds, but he quikly looked back to what he was cooking. An attempt to hide his cheeks that had started to color a deep tint of red when seeing the greenette in his oversized black shirt.

Even though Izuku hadn't had a good look on the other's face, he immediately noticed how tired Todoroki looked. When he also noticed a blanket on the tiny sofa, he felt even worse, realizing he had made the other sleep on the sofa in his own house. He wanted to open his mouth to appologize but to his surprise Todoroki beat him to it, after the man had cleared his throat.

"I have to go to work today" Todoroki said in a monotone voice, while trying to focus on the cooking and not the person behind him. Izuku's heart sank.

Right, I forgot about that, he thought to himself. I should just find Kacchan today. His heart skipped a beat and a slight smile made its way on his freckles face. He had been tired for so long and finally felt wide-awake with new courage.

"How do you find a certain person when you don't know where he lives or his number by heart?" Izuku asked with new hope. Todoroki had always astonished Izuku because of how smart he was, so he must know an answer.

Todoroki kept silent for a long minute and Izuku kept hoping he was just thinking it over, but when the other turned around with a plate with the food he had been cooking, the disappointment hit the greenette hard.

"Sit down" Todoroki spoke, but it almost sounded like a command and it made Izuku flinch for a second to then listen and take a seat at the table. Todoroki held the plate out for Izuku and he took it hesitantely.

Todoroki was ashamed for the obvious attraction he had for the other, but that wouldn't change the fact he was angry towards that person too. He had always had the boss's favor at the office and then skipped work for days. It didn't matter what explanation the other had. All Todoroki knew was that he was at a house, probably the boss's, with Shigaraki and ended up crying on the streets naked. Maybe the boss had tried something the greenette hadn't want, but the burning jealousy Todoroki had was still standing in the way of feeling bad for the other.

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