| 1 | Destructive Touch

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⚠️ I just found out you can't see the chapter covers if you don't load it twice! So please do, just swipe up one more time and load it again, normally it will show after the second time! I put a lot of effort in them so I felt really sad, after finding out, most of y'all haven't even seen them yet... so please do for a better reading experience! ⚠️

"Midoriya?", Izuku looked up at heterochromic eyes that watched him questioningly. He had totally fased out in panic when hearing his name. "Are you okay? I just asked if you want to go bring the boss his food." Todoroki continued. "Since you're like the only person he tollerates" Shotou sounded annoyed at the last part. Izuku gulped.

No. "Oh, yeah sure", Izuku said with a forced smile. He took the food off the counter and started walking to the boss's office. Tolerates. Do people think that? His heart sped up thinking about the things the boss had tried to do to him, but not in a good way. He was terrified and felt powerless.

He reached the door and let out a deep sigh before knocking. "Come in" Izuku opened the door but didn't come in. He just put the food on the desk next to the door to not have to come close to the tall lightblue haired man.

"He-here's your food" Izuku stuttered although he tried not to. He looked up at the red eyes and dry lips who were currently bend in an evil smirk. A frown formed on Shigaraki's face.

"Aren't you coming over here?" he said in a mad tone. It sounded like warning. Izuku knew he was going to get mad, but he didn't move.

"I-I have to get back" Izuku said while internally yelling at himself for studdering again. He was such an idiot. Why couldn't he just talk fluently whenever he was with the man.

Before Izuku could turn around the man got up from his chair and approached the now shivering green haired man. "No need to leave so fast" he said while putting an arm around Izuku's shoulder. Izuku's shoulder automatically tensed up. The grinning man knew the other hated this. Izuku knew that's why he did it.

"I should really go" Izuku said while trying to get out of Shigaraki's grip but he only tightened it. The man's left hand went over to the other man's shivering thigh. Every muscle in Izuku's body was screaming for help. "No, stop" Izuku exclaimed while keeping his eyes shut. He pressed his teeth together. So hard it hurt, but he could only focus on the pale hand sliding up finally reaching the hem of his pants.

"What do you mean?" Shigaraki whispered in Izuku's ear. "I'm just touching you"

Izuku knew that was the only thing Shigaraki would do. The pale thin man had done this several times, but to Izuku's relieve he never went further. Izuku usually ended up closing his eyes waiting for the lightblue haired man to stop. Trying not to process anything, so that it was easier to act like it never happened later.

"Thanks for the food Izu" Shigaraki said while looking right at the now shut green eyes. Izuku felt the hands leaving his body. Although it felt like they were still there burning trough his skin, leaving marks that would never leave.

When he heard the footsteps going to the desk next to him, he finally opened his eyes. "You can go now, Izu, guess I won't have to fire you" The man said not looking at him. He silently sat back down and began focusing his eyes on the computer with a neutral face, like nothing had just happened.

Izuku felt his heart rate going back to normal. He turned around and walked with his head down in defeat back to his office.

This had been going on for a while now and Izuku felt powerless. He just wanted to get help, but he was too scared and mostly embarrassed to tell anyone. He knew this was wrong, but he didn't want people to worry so just shut his mouth and acted like he was fine. Izuku had been doing this pretending game his whole life and could sometimes trick himself into believing it was true.

"Yeah that new bar right?" said a woman outside in the hallway. Izuku looked up and could just see Shotou and some other colleagues pass through the corridor. Shotou made eye contact with Izuku for just a moment, but he quikly looked away and sped up his pace.

Izuku had been denying it but deep down he knew his colleagues didn't like him. They hung out a lot after hours like they were about to. Izuku was never invited. He had asked himself why until he had heard someone talking about him and the boss in a nasty tone and found his answer quikly.

Izuku sighed as he finished up his work. He stood up and took his jacket ready to leave. He walked trough the halls looking at his phone. 18:20. He was going to miss his train.

"This day couldn't get any worse" he thought to himself.

He put on his headphones to listen to some music when he reached the trainstation. He dug his hands in his pockets while big clouds of air left his mouth. He was freezing.

When he had finally arrived home, he tried opening his front door which was difficult due the loss of feeling in his fingers. It was hard and took a while but he managed. He walked in and looked sad at the empty home like he did ever since his mom had died. In the beginning he teared up everytime he thought of her, but he had somehow become unable to cry. Like he didn't have to express his feelings anymore, because it was just easier to bottle them up.

"I'm dirty" he thought to himself. And walked to the bathroom with a disgusted face, like he did almost everyday, because of the events at work. He woule try wiping at the spots Shigaraki had touched to stop the feeling of the hands still being there but he would fail everyday. Sometimes he ended up crying, although he didn't know for sure because of the water already streaming on his face.

After his shower he felt a little better and went to his room he took some pajama's and put them on. He looked in the mirror next to his bed. He looked unhappy, he hated seeing his unhappy face, but couldn't get himself to smile. With another deep sigh he crawled into his bed, and attempted to get some sleep.

Izuku's eyes shot open as he thought he heard footsteps outside his house. He choked on the air scared of what it was, but he quikly convinced himself it was nothing. Shigaraki wouldn't come to his house, right? Izuku found a shiver running down his spine establish his uncertainty. Izuku heard other footsteps, but to his disbelieve the noices now sounded like they came from inside! He now sat up in his bed and put his head in his arms. His breathing was heavy and loud.

Was he hearing that right or was he just paranoid?

He shook his head, it couldn't be. He was just scared because of what happened today.

The sounds weren't real. The sounds weren't real. The sounds weren't real. The sounds weren't real. The sounds weren't real.

He kept repeating in his head, desperate to start believing it. He focused on his breathing and tried to calm down but another thud from downstairs that sounded right under him had him place a hand on his mouth, now really panicking.

Who was in his house?

Footsteps echood on the stairs to the first floor. Izuku's head went blank. What was he supposed to do? He placed the tip of his toe on the parquet, but after realizing that it was a stupid idea, he crawled back under the sheets and closed his eyes. He hold his breath and pricked his ears trying to hear the muffled sounds. They were voices, he was sure now, people were in his house and those people were coming to his room. The door of his room creacked open and Izuku tried shutting his eyes harder, trying to escape the moment he was in right now.

"Is that him?" a voice whispered, while footsteps resounded on the cold floor almost reaching the bed.

"That's the idiot" another voice said, clearly not even trying to whisper. Izuku couldn't believe it, was that who he thought it was?

"Shhh man, not so loud" was whispered again. "You're going to wake him u-"

"The shitty nerd isn't even asleep" the other voice growled now even louder. Izuku was sure now, there was no doubt about it this was- He couldn't finish that because he was hit in the back of the head. Everything around him started spinning then was hazy to then finally fade to black.

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