Chapter 2: Acceptance and Departure

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Hello. I am back with another chapter. No judging.

(14 years later)

Percy POV
I woke to a pleasant dream about hippocampi and started my daily routine. Do 200 sit-ups and 100 push-ups. Then I started walking to the basketball courts to practice for about an hour. On the way I ran into Annabeth and Thalia "Hey what's up?" Annabeth asked me and I shrugged. "Not much since last summer." We had defeated Kronos last summer. (I am saying that they did that when they were 14 instead of on Percy's 16th birthday and that Thalia did not join Artemis' Hunters) Before we could talk anymore I heard "Percy Jackson!"  from Chiron and we ran to The Big House.

"Hey Chir-" I did not get to finish because Artemis and some other Hunters took me in a group hug. They were slightly smaller than me but very strong. "Can't... breathe." I finally said in a raspy voice and they let me go slowly. "My lady why are you here?" I asked Artemis and she looked hurt, " I wanted to see how you have grown and to offer you a quest. Do you not want to see me?" I was surprised by the question and intrigued by the invitation. "I have waited until you got back so I could thank you. Thank you for saving my life." She looked relieved that I was happy to see her.

"What is the quest?" She explained how she needed my help to summon the water spirits of guidance and to slay the Titan Oceanus and The Giant Porphyrion (I was bored so I brought Oceanus back ). "You are allowed to bring three female friends with you. You are the only boy that the hunters actually like so no others..." then she added "No offense Chiron." He did not seem to mind. (RIP Chiron)

"I am ready to go now, I will bring Annabeth, Thalia and my friend Piper with me." (I am saying that Piper is already there because why not. Don't judge me. I have had enough of that already in other books.) They looked surprised about my quickness to respond. "Alright then, let's start preparing for the journey." Artemis said. The Hunters left, leaving me with Annabeth and Thalia "You actually want me on a quest Percy?" Thalia asked me and I laughed, "I couldn't think of anyone else that has your personal talents." She seemed excited about this and took Annabeth to Aphrodite cabin to get Piper. I headed to my cabin to get supplies

Annabeth POV
I was going to ask Percy why he is the only boy that is tolerated. But before I could, Thalia yanked me out of The Big House and pulled me to Aphrodite cabin. "Piper!" I yelled so that Thalia would stop squeezing my hand. When she came out she looked worried. "Wait, what happened to Percy?" she asked, "He probably went back to his cabin. Nevermind that, we are going on a quest!" Thalia squealed excitedly. "Alright, I will be ready in 5 minutes. I just have to get Katoptris." Piper replied calmly.

(Time Skip)

Artemis POV
I waited with my hunters at the entrance of the camp. After a few minutes Percy came with three girls. Annabeth, Thalia and a girl with the legendary dagger Katoptris who I am guessing is to be Piper. "Lady Artemis it is an honor." Piper said and bowed on her knee to me. After a few moments she rose and walked back to Percy and his friends. "We have to get a move on befo-" I could not finish because I heard an ear-splitting roar. "Before that comes." I finished.

Percy, Annabeth, and I charged the Phoenix while the hunters, Piper, and Thalia circled around the back to attack it. I was surprised that it was attacking us because it is usually not hostile unless they have been clouded by the judgement of another mortal or immortal entity. We all attacked at opposite sides for the most damage. The Phoenix then fell quickly. It must have just gone past its 1000 year lifetime. The monster collapsed into ash and Percy ran up to it. What was he doing?

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