chapter 6 dinner date

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Pennywise's POV what luck! The one time I didn't actually have to kidnap anybody Nathan just showed up in my house! And now I get to do what I want with him because nobody would ever suspect it they were just believe Nathan came here to say hi to everybody and leave! But boy oh boy are they going to be wrong when I tell them what's in the stew I've prepared for them to eat later we finally made it to my basement with Nathan nobody could see us down here it was pitch black all Nathan could see was my small little kitchen that I use to prepare our dinners in once he saw where I was taking him he tried to bite me it hurt a little bit but Nathan doesn't even know my weakness isn't bite marks it's getting teased once we've gotten to the kitchen I said to him you've made a grave mistake coming here Nathan! It wasn't my fault Nathan said to me your son and Freddy Krueger convinced me which one convinced you? It was Eddie said Nate well I will have to go up after you get done and tell him thanks! Nathan didn't seem all that happy with me he wanted to go home but I couldn't allow that I had to get dinner started because up there everybody was hungry and I was even hungrier than them so hungry that I could just eat Nathan now but I didn't want to do that I had to please the fox bear and bunny somehow and show them that I wasn't an insane murderer. Like they thought I was before so I tossed Nathan into the pot of water and lit The fire underneath it I cackled evilly and left him in the darkness a little while later I came back I started to really prepare dinner because it was getting late back up on the surface Freddy and Jason and the bunny Fox and Bear noticed smoke coming from the basement they looked At each other and said at once NATE! So Freddy Jason and the fox bunny and Bear all ran down to the basement were there worst fears became reality pennywise was cooking Nathan again!

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