Chapter 2 the call

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Eddie's POV I was in the living room watching nightmare on Elm Street with Freddy and Jason When the telephone rang in my ear I got off the couch to go answer it surprisingly I heard a very very familiar voice on the other end it was Brer fox's Voice he was asking to move in with us I said it to him I don't know if that's a very good idea I might have to go ask Pennywise for permission then on the other end of the line I could've sworn I heard Brer Rabbit scream at the top of his Lungs owwwwwwwwwwwww! I said OK OK OK I will go find him and ask him for permission to let you stay here permanently but we've got to find room for you guys then I heard Brer fox say thank you Eddie Y'all are most kind then I hung up the phone and went off to go find Pennywise to ask him if Brer Fox Brer Rabbit and Brer Bear could stay

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