13. How Two Catastrophes Met, Part 4

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The loud crack of the shotgun sends Big Bob tumbling back as Hardwire and Coral rush forward, cutting down anybody who gets too close.

'Coral, protect Carol! Hardwire, cover Grani! 'Juggernaut signs, going to back back with Skadi as Reunion soldiers and hounds rush out at them. Juggernaut flashes an armband with the Rhodes Island logo at Skadi, who notices this with an irritated look. 'Do you trust me now? '

"I have no choice." Skadi says. "Let us work together then."

'I'll take care of Mr. Unmixed PB over there. The grunts are your problem.'

"They are nothing to me."

The two charge into the enemy, sending them flying. As if two storms merged into one, they tear into the soldiers like lions, hungry for blood.

Juggernaut grabs a soldier and slams him into the ground before throwing him into the fray, knocking the enemy back as Skadi cuts them down.

Big Bob charges at Juggernaut and brings his chainsaw down, forcing Juggernaut to block as the force heats up their armor.

Juggernaut slams their hammer into his side, knocking the chainsaw out of his hands before using their Arts to knock them back.

"Damn you!" Big Bob says, engaging in a fistfight with Juggernaut. He throws a right hook, but Juggernaut uses the momentum to push the fist away and counter with a jab to the face, followed with a kick to the chest.

Hardwire twirls her kukri, bashing the hilt into a the face of a grunt before using her tail to sweep him off his feet and knocking him out cold. Another tries to attack her from behind, but she throws her kukri into their thigh, causing them to grunt in pain before she rips it out and smashes her foot into their chest, sending them flying into a wall with a resounding thud.

"Who are you guys?" Grani shouts at Hardwire.

"Phoenix Force. Private Military Company, if that suits your taste." Hardwire say, rolling under a strike and uppercutting the man. "Hired by Rhodes Island to protect operator Grani if need be."

Hardwire dashes past Grani, slamming her fist into the gut a man who was sneaking up behind her, and slams her knee into their face, a cracking sound echoing through the air.

"Now then! Less talk, more fighting!"

Coral begins firing at anyone who steps close to Carol, the heavy rubber rounds breaking ribs, jaws, and much more as she makes sure nobody gets near her.

"You're alive!" Carol exclaims.

"Yeah, I know. Now stay by that treasure so I can protect you, got it?" She says, firing another round into a soldier.

"O... Okay."

Juggernaut throws two jabs at Big Bob's face before slamming their knee into his gut, knocking him to the ground with a viscous uppercut.

"D-Damn you..." He coughs.

'You've lost.' Juggernaut signs. The destruction around them and Skadi is... brutal. As if two catastrophes had merged together, blowing through the enemy.

"Maybe... I have."

'One big-boned to another, my friend. Stay down. I'd rather Skadi not gut you like a fish.'

Big Bob groans, and lays his head against the floor as everyone regroups.

"We can finally open the-" Carol is cut off by Coral, who stops her from reaching for it.

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