12. How Two Catastrophes Met, Part 3

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Hardwire bashes a wrench into her workbench several times, scaring Coral and nearly bending the wrench before responding.

"How did you BREAK the armor!?" Hardwire shouts into the phone.

"Boss ran into Skadi..." Coral whimpers. "Boss needs six blocks of c4 and also said to get their old armor out ASAP-"

"Anya, please tell me that Boss isn't running around without at LEAST a mask on?"

Coral doesn't respond, and Hardwire grits her teeth.

"Fine. I'm sending in their armor. Make sure they're at the drop zone, got it?"

"Yeah, I'll make sure Boss is there Eliza. Over and out."

Hardwire puts her radio down and leans back into her chair, the wrench slipping from her hands and clattering against the floor.

"Boss, why do you have to make my job so hard?" She groans. "Twins! Get down here!"

Two Lupos, one with long silver hair and matching eyes, the other matching her sister but with a soft bronze, bust into the basement and rush down the stairs.

"You called ma'am?" The silver-haired one asks.

"Yes, I did Silver. Take Bronze and get out the Boss's old armor." Hardwire says, her tail swishing impatiently. The Archosauria was very, very tense right now.

She sighs, standing up and heading upstairs. The base was usually quiet, not counting Saturdays when everybody comes back. Hardwire heads to the command post, checking on everyone's progress.

"Maniac is in Ursus, Blitzkrieg is still dealing with the problem in Lungmen, and Storm took Acere and Moonlight to pick up the supplies... leaving Coral and Boss in Kazimierez." She says out loud.

"Hey ma'am!" Silver shouts. "We got the armor!"

Hardwire sets the papers back on the table and exits the machine filled room to find the armor packed up in a large wooden crate.

"Get it in the helicopter." Hardwire says, and the twins grab the crate, taking it outside. She picks up her kukri before following the two, and hops into the helicopter as the twins take the front seats.

"Where are we off to today ma'am?" Silver asks.

"Get us to the Boss, ASAP." She says.

The helicopter takes off, flying towards Juggernaut's position.

"We should be there in two hours ma'am!" Silver shouts over the helicopter.

"Good to know." Hardwire replies, gripping her kukri. "Top speed, right?"

"As fast as I can push it without setting the engine on fire ma'am."

Hardwire looks out at the ground below her, and smirks.

"Boss, I finally get your plan." She giggles. "And it's a damn good plan."

Two hours later with Juggernaut...

"Boss, I just got a call from Eliza." Coral says. "She'll be here any minute."

'Good. We've just about run out of time too.' Juggernaut signs. 'Light a flare.'

Red smoke begins to billow from the flare after Coral lights it, soon after the sound of a helicopter closes in.

The slows down, and Hardwire kicks the box out of the helicopter, nearly crushing Coral.

"Watch where you're kicking that!" She shouts.

Hardwire smirks, and turns to Juggernaut.

"I see your plan Boss. Make sure not to blow yourself up in the process, 'kay?" She says.

Juggernaut says nothing as they begin strapping their armor on,  finishing off by slipping their helmet on.

'Coral. Go with Hardwire back to base.'

"Oh, no you don't." Hardwire says. "I've been itching to get out of the base, so don't try that now."

"I'm not leaving ya boss." Coral says. "It's my job to protect you."

'I guess that settles it. Silver and Copper, get us above the cave mouth. It's time to get explosive.'

Juggernaut and Coral get into the helicopter, and are flown up to the cave mouth.

'Hardwire, plant the charges in a circular formation. Big enough for the three of us and two turrets. Coral, get your smoke grenades ready.' Juggernaut signs, pointing to a part of the cave floor.

"What will you do Boss?" Hardwire asks.

'Meat shield tactic.'

"...You're kidding. Skadi nearly broke the armor before, what makes you think you can survive more hits now?" Coral says.

'Well, lets just say I have a feeling that Big Bob has had a change of heart, and I don't think Skadi was after the treasure after all.'

"Charges planted, and turrets are ready." Hardwire says.

"Hey Boss! Catch!" Silver shouts, and Copper tosses Juggernaut a Mossberg 500 before jumping back into the helicopter.

"Ready?" Hardwire asks.

'Do it.'

Hardwire presses the button on the detonator, creating a massive blast and sending the three into the cave.

They hit the ground with a resounding crash, the turrets turning to aim at Big Bob.

"What the...?"

Juggernaut racks the shotgun with one hand before aiming it at Big Bob and his soldiers.

'Let's dance, chunky.'

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