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I was dreaming, if you can call it that, about Cedric. I was there with Harry, in the graveyard that he told us about, watching as Peter Pettigrew pulled out his wand and screamed the words. 'AVADA KEDAVRA!" I try to scream but there isn't a noise as Cedric's soul disappears from his eyes and his body falls to the ground. I rush to his side, shake him with my hands and beg for him to come back. 'Cedric, you're my best friend. Please Cedric.' In the dream, tears spill from my eyes and I cry simultaneously in reality too. Cedric stares back up at me as I rock his body in my arms and beg him not to be dead.

Suddenly, Harry and Peter Pettigrew are gone from the graveyard and I'm alone. I blink for a second and Cedric's body has disappeared too. I can sense his presence before I stand and turn around. The air goes cold and a shiver goes down my spin. I turn, and face Voldemort as Harry did. 'Juliet, join my side. Your magic is way beyond the regular abilities of a witch your age. Join me and let me teach you everything. With me you'll be the greatest witch to walk the earth. Your parents and siblings will be sorry that they were ever cruel to you. Join me and rule...' I know it's only a dream but his voice sounds so real. It's like a snake, slithering and slimy, hissing at me. Voldemort holds out his white hand for me, so pale that it's unnatural, and beckons for me to take it. 'Join me, join me.'

I'm thrown awake before I can take his hand by the screeching of Athena. She seems incredibly flustered in her cage and pecks impatiently at the handle, desperate to be let out. My body is dripping with sweat and the tears that spilled in the dream are real. My face is sticky.

My watch tells me that it's 6 o'clock. Breakfast is served at 7 and my first lesson is at 8. Therefore I have a bit of time for a shower. I let Athena out of her cage and she soars out of the small window of my private bedroom. It's unusual for her to be so restless, perhaps she could sense my fear in the dream and mirrored it.

With a sigh I grab my towel from my trunk that I have yet to unpack and open the small door to the tiny bathroom that the Slytherin Prefects share. I make sure to lock both of the small doors so that Draco doesn't come marching in whilst I'm in the shower. I take a hair tie from around my wrist and tie my hair back so that it doesn't get wet. I turn the ancient taps in the wall and water comes rushing from the ceiling in one corner of the room where the ground is slightly sunken and the water drains out. I take off my dirty pyjamas and throw them into one of the washing baskets, the one labelled 'Weasley' and climb into the shower.

A charm automatically makes it the perfect temperature that the washer wants, so for me it's half way between scorching hot and freezing cold. I let the warm water run down my back and wash the sweat away. revitalising me and clearing my fuzzy head. It's fresh and a welcome treat after the horror of my nightmares.

I step out of the shower after what seems like only a few seconds but actually is closer to 20 minutes. Draco will be up soon and then he'll want a shower. Knowing him, he probably knows a spell that can breaks even the enchantments on the doors.

I wrap myself in a towel and brush my teeth. Making sure that the towel is secure, I flick my wand that I'd brought into the bathroom with me for some strange reason and the doors unlock. I dart out through the door that leads to my room so that if Draco entered immediately, he wouldn't see me wearing nothing but a white towel.

"Colloportus" I say clearly, flicking my wand at the bathroom door so that it stays locked. I turn around, and scream when I see Hermione Granger perched on my bed.

"Merlin's beard Juliet, calm down." She drawls boredly. I shake my head and blink a few times, checking that I'm not dreaming. Nope, this is real, she's really here. "How did you get in here?" I stutter, recoiling and hiding myself embarrassingly behind one of the curtains of the bed. Hermione doesn't notice. "Alohomora. You should lock your door better."

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