Ch.12 Return Of The Winter Lady

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■3rd Person POV■

Y/N is standing in front of the Hero Association building. Hawks, Shoto, Mirko, and Endeavor are with her. Keita is staying with Fuyumi and Rei at the Todoroki estate. Hawks place his hand on Y/N's shoulder, makes the woman looks at him.

Hawks: you sure? you don't have to do it you know... I can provide everything for the two of you...

Just then Hawks was being kicked aside by Mirko, and now the hero makes Y/N look at her.

Mirko: I still mad at him... but I agree with him Y/N... you... you don't have to... I'm sure they will underst-

Y/N: I... want to do this Rumi..

~Flashback From Last Night

Y/N sitting, holding the sleeping Keita on her lap. Hawks sitting next to him as they're now facing Mirko and Shoto. Mirko doesn't look pleased and Shoto just put on his usual straight face.

Mirko: Y/N... are you seriously going to take this bird brain back?

Hawks feels the eyes that are intensely glaring at him, he shifts on his seat. Y/N could feel this and she knows that he's feeling guilty. Y/N puts one of her hands on top of Hawks's, making the bird hero look at her. Mirko sees this, she grith her teeth and clenches her fist, knowing what Y/N's answer is. Y/N looks at her best friend with a sweet smile.

Y/N: I... yes... I want to give Keigo another chance Rumi... for Keita too...

Mirko looks at the sleeping boy on Y/N's lap. Mirko and Y/N are really close, they thought of each other as sisters. Y/N hands Keita over to Hawks, as he cradles him in his arms.

The sight of Y/N and Hawks caring for Keita gives warm feelings to both Shoto and Mirko. But Mirko is still a little bit angry at Hawks for what he did before.

Y/N walks closer to Mirko and places her hands on Mirko's cheeks.

Y/N: please... forgive him? For me... for Keita

Mirko hugs Y/N and nods on her shoulder

Mirko: but I still get my daily share of kicking him...

Y/N: Thank you Rumi... now Keita and I will live in here again... and I'll return to be a hero...


~End of Flashback

Y/N decided to be a Hero again. That's why now she and these three heroes are in front of the Hero Association building.

They walk inside and met with the higher up. They're surprised to see Y/N, and Endeavor explains what happened to them.

Y/N: I... want to be back on duty... I want to be a Hero...

The head of the Hero Association talks it out with the other and makes a decision. They will let Y/N back as Winter Lady.

Y/N is happy about the news, buts she's worried. What would the peoples think about her returning after six years? She has a frown on her face.

Hawks sees this and comes closer to her.

Hawks: what's wrong? Aren't you happy?

Y/N: I... just wondering... what would the civilians think....

Some heroes are approaching them and standing around Y/N and her friends. One of the heroes comes forward and smiles at Y/N.

Hero3: I bet... the people you saved back then would be really happy to hear this... so do the other civilians

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