Ch.5 Favorite Heroes

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■Y/N's POV■

Rumi, Keita, and I stand in front of the Todoroki household. Rumi holds my hand trying to calm me down.

Rumi: everything will be just fine...

The door is open, Fuyumi is the one who opens it.

Fuyumi: hello Mirko san, dad told us you c... Y/N san?

Fuyumi's eyes are widened when she sees me standing next to Rumi.

Y/N: Fuyumi... how are you doing?

With that Fuyumi hugs me and I hug her back. Then she notices that Keita is holding onto my hand and looking up at us.

Fuyumi looks at me and I smile at her, another tear rolls down her cheek. She then crouches down and greets Keita.

Fuyumi: hello... nice to meet you

Fuyumi smiles at Keita and pats his head.

Keita: hello! I'm Keita

Fuyumi invites us inside. There are Natsuo and aunt Rei, it seems like she's discharged from the hospital. Both lunge at me and hugs me. I explain to them what happens.

Keita is sitting comfortably on Fuyumi's lap, Natsuo and aunt Rei look at him with a smile. Just then the door slides open, Shoto's walking inside. When our eyes met his eyes widened.

Shoto: Y...N... san?

Y/N: it's been a long time Shoto...

Shoto come closer and hugs me. I explain to him what happens as well. Just then something caught Shoto's eyes. I too look at where Shoto's gaze at.

Keita is standing, staring straight at Shoto. His eyes are wide open and there're sparks in his eyes.

Keita: Shoto....

Y/N: Shoto... he's my son Keita... his favorite hero is you Shoto.

Shoto looks back at Keita and approaches him. Keita stands straight as he was overwhelmed by the presence of his favorite Hero.

Shoto: hello...

Keita: I... hello... I'm Keita... I'm your fan... I also have an ice quirk.

Shoto turns his gaze at me, so do the others. Even Rumi too.

Mirko: you didn't tell me that he can already use his quirk...

Y/N: uh yes I'm sorry... Keita has an ice quirk, like me... he can form it as he likes.

Shoto: can you show me?

Y/N: um Shoto... it's inside the house

Shoto: oh right...

with that, all of us head to the Todoroki's backyard. 

■3rd Person POV■

Keita is standing still, Keita is getting shy about being watched by a lot of people.

Mirko: what's up kiddo?

Keita: un... I... never show my ice to anyone other than my family...

Natsuo and Fuyumi come closer and crouches in front of him

Natsuo: but we are your family too Keita...

Keita looks at Y/N, and she smiles at her. 

Keita: you are?

Natsuo and the other nod. Keita looks at Shoto

Keita: Shoto too?

Shoto: yes, me too

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