Part 5- the secret

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Rose's POV

The next day when I woke up I was disappointed to find that Dimitri was not lying in the bed next to me.

My room was easily quit as I looked around, the evening sunlight filtering through a crack in my black out blinds. I got up mad dressed in my standard guardian outfit for the day.

Pulling my hair up into a tight bun on top of my head as I walked out the door I headed for Lissa's room, surprised to find her pacing in front of her bedroom door when I got there.

"Lissa?" I asked "what's wrong?"

She jumped at the sound of my voice and an uneasy expression crossed her face before she tried to smooth it out. I felt a pang of frustration. In the old days I would know what she was worrying about the second I opened my eyes. Now I had to torture it out for her myself just like a normal person.

"Nothing" Lissa said, pasting a big fake smile on her face "I'm just ready to get the day started. Lots of meetings you know"

I eyed her skeptically, Lissa never liked meetings, but being queen of the moroi she was obligated to attend and run things whenever she was in court. She didn't like them, but she had never been this worked up about them.

Something was wrong, something she wasn't telling me.

"Where's Christian?" I asked, scanning the room, besides Lissa and myself the room was empty.

"He went to the mall" Lissa said quickly "I think Dimitri went with him"

I narrowed my eyes at her, Christian hated shopping, he never went to the mall unless Lissa went.

"we had better get going" Lissa said "can't be late"

We walked in silence down the hall towards the conference room. I was keeping my usual eye out for any danger but was also pre occupied by Lissa's unusually pale and worried expression.

"When was the last time you fed?" I asked

"Last night" Lissa said, avoiding my eyes "I'm fine Rose, really. Just want to get these meetings over with"

I didn't say anything more and took my post at the door entry as Lissa entered the conference room. I may have been the queens guardian but I still was not aloud to sit in on royal meetings yet. So for now I got to stand outside and guard the door for hours.


The royal meetings could last for hours, and being a guardian, there' was nothing left for me to do but sit and wait. It left me a lot of time alone in my head.

Dimitri's dream had disturbed me, more then I could say. Something about the horrified look on his face but the need in his eyes had left me with a creeping fear in the back of my mind I wasn't ready to acknowledge.

I thought about the time we had spent alone together when we had been on the run. The emotional and mental journey we had both taken had changed us for the better. Dimitri had finally forgiven himself for the things he had done and admitted that he could love again and that he was still in love with me. I had been so overjoyed at the revocation that I had convinced myself that we had overcome all of our obstacles.

But now, I wasn't so sure.

The fact that I had woken up without him to left me uneasy. From the way I had been lying when I woke and the lack of warmth In the bed told me that I had been sleeping alone for a long time. Why had Dimitri left me? After months of not seeing each other I was prepared to wrap myself around him like a vine and never let to. But he had left me and now he and Christian had gone to the mall? I didn't buy it.

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