How to get the persona

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Being a nymphette is a lot of style, and aesthetic things but how does one act like a nymphette?

• be polite- no one likes a rude person.
•have a flirty and friendly personality.
•enjoy life: just like Dolores haze she was carefree.
•be confident.
•draw positive attention to yourself.
•be kind to all even haters.
• be innocent.

How to adapt these traits:
•Join clubs and sports.
•Make friends with all people.
•Help those in need.
• volunteer.
•Twirl your hair.
•Smile often.
•Chew gum or suck lollipops.
•Bite your lips.
•Learn healthy self talk.
•Seek help for physical or mental sicknesses.
•Find hobbies you enjoy.
•Have good hygiene.

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