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That day I streamed Valorant with a few of the others, including Corpse who streamed in the room that was still set up with his things.

(Split map)

"Help help help!" Rae screamed, I was Sage so I healed her but someone killed her

"Rae, I died healing you, you better not-" she died, "Rae!"

"I'm sorryyyyy,"

I spectated Corpse who killed two people before dying, making it a 1v1 between the enemy and Miyoung.

She killed them from behind and diffused the spike.

"Yay Miyoung," Rae said

"Yay," Corpse added, his voice sounding extra low compared to Rae's.

The next round we all split up and I positioned myself near A. When the round started no one came my way and I could head Rae shouting B so I ran through and went into the sewer.

I killed two before almost dying but somehow Corpse came from behind and killed them first.

"Oh god Corpse thank you," I said healing myself, "I nearly died,"

"I gotchu," he said, "I'll sacrifice my life for you any day,"

"Err, thanks I guess," I said and we both chuckled

"Can you guys stop staring into each others eyes and come save me!" Rae yelled loudly and everyone laughed. She screamed as she died I turned my volume down.

Me and Corpse ran through the sewer. I killed the person planting the spike and he killed the other person so there was only one more. We killed them and won, yay.

(a few hours later)


"Bye!" everyone chorused as we all ended our streams

I dragged myself upstairs and Corpse met me at the top of the stairs.

"Tired?" he asked

"Yes," I sighed

We both walked up to my room and I collapsed onto the bed. He laid down next to me and put his arm out. I snuggled into him, resting my head on his chest as his arm tightened around me shoulders, pulling me close. The last thing I remember is him kissing my forehead gently before I fell asleep.

When I woke up he was still there, scrolling through Instagram and posting things on his story.

"Hi," I said wearily and he looked away from the screen.

"Hey," he said with a smile.

"Do you think it will ever be possible to time travel?" I asked randomly

"I don't know, not any time soon but I don't see why not,"

I nodded.

"Why?" he asked me

"Just wondering," I said and he chuckled, "how long was I asleep?" he checked the time.

"40 minutes," he replied. I sighed and shuffled closer to him just as my phone started ringing. I groaned but saw it was Rae and picked up.

"Valkyrae?" I asked, putting her on speaker

"Do you think I'm loud?" she asked loudly

"No you're the quietest person I know," I said sarcastically, "why?"

"Do I scream too much in my streams?"

"Depends what we play,"

"Answer the question!"

"She be screaming at me asking if she screams too much," I said and Corpse chuckled

"Ugh fine,"


"Chat says I'm loud,"

"Ha, smart chat,"

"Go away,"

"You called me, I just woke up from a sexy little nap,"

She hung up and I laughed. My smile disappeared when my phone rung again.

"Valkyrae what do you want now," I asked putting her on speaker

"Valkyrae? I don't even want to ask,"

"What do you want?" I asked my mom, taking her off speaker

"If you lost the attitude and didn't hang out with people called Valkyrae then you'd let me talk and you'd know your cousin went into labour,"

"She did?" I asked sitting up

"Yes, she called us straight away and we rushed to the hospital, of course if you don't manage to get to the hospital, god knows you couldn't before, don't worry about it I'm sure she won't miss you. I just thought you should know," I sighed, rolled my eyes and hung up, I couldn't deal with her right now.

"Everything ok?" Corpse asked

"Yeah," I said lying back down, "nothing important,"

"Really? Sounded important,"

"It's nothing,"

"Why did you take it off speaker then?"

"I'd rather you didn't hear the insulting things she says to me,"

"I wouldn't think of you any differently, you know that"

I couldn't say anything.

"You know that, right?" He said again

"She made me think of myself differently,"

He kissed my forehead, "you're amazing,"

I didn't believe him but I didn't bother telling him. Luckily my phone rang again.

"Jesus," I sighed, "sorry," I said to Corpse and I picked up because it was Poki.

"Mokipane?" I asked when I picked up

"Can you tell Rae she screams to much,"

"I do not!" I heard Rae scream from the other room.

"Yes you do!"

"Well so do you!"

Me and Corpse chuckled at their conversation.

"Tell her she screams to much,"

"Ok," I said and hung up. I called Rae and she picked up.

"You scream too much Ralkyvae,"

"Did Poki tell you to say that?"

"Who's Poki I only know Mokipane," I paused, "and stop calling me my mom phoned and I called her Vallyrae,"

She cackled maniacally and I hung up, sighed and rested my head on his chest again.

"You done now?" He asked jokingly

"I hope so," I sighed

He chuckled.

"My cousin went into labour, that's why my mom called,"

Sorry this chapter is kinda useless but somethings kinda bigs coming so put on ur seatbelt >:)

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