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We waited for about ten minutes until they got there. We were too engrossed in our conversation to realise they'd arrived and kept talking until they joined our VC.

"Hi," bad said and I jumped slightly, not expecting it.

"Hey," I replied, "ok so the entrance is kinda confusing, but before you go in, I need you to promise you won't freak out and leave.

"Why would we leave?" Skeppy asked

"Umm, just come in," I showed them the way in, and they looked around the first room

"I mean it's really nice, why would we leave?" Bad asked confused

"Let me move you to a different call, one sec," I moved them to Tommy and Techno's call



Suddenly Tommy ran into our room, Technoblade chasing him with a sword. They stopped once they saw Skeppy and Bad.

"Where's the exit?" Skeppy asked and he and Bad turned to leave. I ran in front of them and hit them back

"No, I did not give you that crackhead speech about forgetting friends and enemies to see them and betray us,"

"Yeah but-" Bad started shouting before I interrupted him

"You both fucking promised,"

"LANGUAGE!" Bad yelled.

"Err, sorry?" I said

"Bad does't like it when people swear because he's a pussy," Tommy explained, causing Bad to shout 'language' again.

"C'mon guys, you promised, plus if you don't join us you'll loose and then be forced to move out that huge fu...," I stopped myself from swearing, "your massive house,"

They both looked at me, not saying anything before turning around and facing the other two

"Tommy, we're willing to be allies," Bad said and I celebrated internally

"Yeah," Skeppy chipped in

"Well, umm maybe you guys could show them around, me and Corpse are gunna go ask more people,"

They looked at eachother awkwardly before Bad said,

"We can ask Puffy and Ant, too, they'll probably join too,"

"Oh, thanks, bye,"

"see ya," Skeppy said and me and Corpse left

"Well that was kinda awkward," Corpse said and I giggled

"You're telling me,"

Corpse was so easy to talk to so we chatted contentedly as we searched for more people to ask.

We spend longer than we thought looking for people and basically everyone had left, so after a while we just went back to the bunker. We joined their VC when we arrived and heard some of their conversation.

"LANGUAGE!" Bad shouted and Tommy laughed loudly.

I smiled at his laugh and found them in a random room. They were getting on really well, even though Tommy constantly ridiculed Bad about his 'language' thing.

"Hullo," I said

Over the next hour most of them left and after an hour and a half it was just me and Corpse.

"Wanna stream some Among Us?" I asked

"Yeah, sounds cool,"

"We could leak the code and play with fans," I suggested and that's exactly what we did for the next few hours. I don't know when but at some point I mentioned that my family were coming over in a few days.

"They are?"


"Who's gunna be there?" he asked quickly

"My parents, my cousin and her parents, my other aunt and my grandparents,"


He messaged me, I looked down at my phone as the fans we were playing with spammed the chat. We answered any questions we were comfortable answering and talked to them in game a lot but we ignored them for a second as we texted.

Corpse: are u gunna be ok?

Me: I'll be fine, plus other family will be there so they can't rlly say anything

Corpse: are you sure?

Me: yeah, very sure

Corpse: If you need an excuse to leave just tell me to call you and say its an emergency

Me: thanks, but really I'll be fine

My stream chat was spamming so we kept playing but after a few hours later it was 07:29 and I was kinda tired so we stopped.

"Can you call me on my phone cuz I'm just turning my computer off?" I said, he agreed and I hung up.

While waiting for him to call me I switched my PC off and grabbed my earphones. I accepted as soon as the call came through and shut the door to my recording studio, running upstairs to my bedroom. We talked lightly as I got under the covers. He asked what my room was like.

"The door is to the left of the wall and if you walked into my room the bed would be in front of you, in the centre of the wall, with two tables either side, there's a window on the wall to the right, next to the bed and you can see out of it from the bed, my house is kind of on a hill, so there's a really nice view and you can see the sea. There's a mirror above the bed and a chest of drawers kinda next to the window. Sorry I'm bad at explaining."

"No, I can imagine it, tell me more,"

"Ok, on the left there's a corner that goes to a closet and also a door that goes to an ensuite,"

"Sounds nice, maybe I could see it one day,"

My heart skipped a beat and I could feel my face warm slightly, "Yeah, that sounds nice,"

We kept talking and eventually I fell asleep so he ended the call.

TiMe SkeP - a FeW DaYs LAtEr

I had my earphones in, listening to Corpse's music when he called and I picked up.

"Hey," he said

"Hi," I replied with a smile

"What you doing?"

"Dusting my dining room," I huffed

"Are your family coming over today?"

"Yes, and I haven't been in my dining room since I bought the house because it makes me feel lonely, so now I have to clean it and lay the table,"

"Remember if you ever need an excuse to leave-"

"Text you to call me and tell my family it's important, yep I know,"

"Sorry if I'm being annoying, I just don't want you to panic,"

I paused my dusting and took a deep breath.

"No, your not being annoying, I'm just stressed, this is like my fifth time dusting this cabinet,"

He chuckled lightly, sending shivers down my spine.

"It's gunna be fine,"

"Mmm," I hummed, unconvinced

"What time are they supposed to arrive?" He asked

"Two hours, at 2,"

For the next two hours we talked and he listened to me stress and vent about my family before comforting me, which made me feel a lot better. The two hours went quickly and before I knew it the doorbell rang.

"Fuck," I mumbled

"Is that them?"

"Yeah," I said, he comforted me once more before hanging up. I went to the door and looked through the peephole, taking a deep breath I opened the door.

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