6, Meeting a teacher

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Uraraka's point of view

I removed my hands from my eyes, only to cover my mouth in a gasp. "Omg..Toga are you ok" i somehow skreamed and whisperd at the same time. "Living with the leage wasent to fun" Toga looked down. "Toga it is not your falt, are you comfertble with mr cleaning and bandaging it " i qutions calmly to make shure she does not panic.

"Yeah, i cant reach the cuts and burises on my bak anyway" toga whinded as she felt some of the wounds re-open. "Oh you bleading even more, i will treat is gentaly" whispiring while i grabbed the light gray towel in the flor, and held her hand leading her to my bed. Folding the towel in half and spredding it over the bed. "You can sit down while i grabb the suplies" i direkted her.

Making my way back to the bathroom. I open the mirror cabinet and grabbed all of the medical suplise i had. Luckeli enough i had kept the creme for burns, after i tryed making pancakes in the middle of the night, yeah Recowery girl wanted me to keep it incase it hapend again, and so i did not need to wake her up agine inn middle ofthe night.

I looked over to the tub filled with red water from the dye, quikkely opening thr drain, do that toga would nog get triggerd by the seen. I walked out seeing toga shiwering, it was autum and she only wore under were and a sports bra so that i could trear her wounds. "I got the suplies" anounsing with a calm voice.

She lookws up and smile, mouthing a 'thank you' through shivering teeth. Grabbing the Hyrdogen peroxide, pouring a good amount on a cotten ball, i went over all of her wound, bruces and burn marks. Of cource i changed the cotten balls inbetwin, after i had went over everything i had used half of the botle. 'it shaterd my heart seeing all the burn marks, bruices, cuts and skares' thinking sadly.

I then grabbed the diffetent bandages and wrapped the cuts up. For the burn marks i added the burn creme and wrapped that up aswell. I had a soulution for bruces, it helps with the pain, healing and swelling. At last i massaged the skar oil and wrapped the last. Her intier body was wrapped, almost from head to toes.

Looking in to her eyes she was clearly exated. Grabbing the jumper and sweet pants i dressed her so she would regain heat. It seem like her body was to fatigued to prouduse enough for it self. I pulled up the covers and gentaly plased her head on the matres.

Unlike the rest of my room the matress i quite comfy, that was beacouse thh schoom provied it. I gentaly jumped under the couvers. Feling Toga curl up on me, gave me i smile. Her brething beacame stable, and my heart melted seing her finaly relax. Wrapping my hand proteltivly aroun her i felt my eyes grow hevy, eventaly falling asleep.

'Time skip brought to you by shinsou's sleep schedule'

Toga's point of view.

I felt my body waking up. Being meet by warmt and comfort. In my sleepy state i was hevily confused. "How" i thought out loud. Finaly opening my eyes and skaning the room i remamberd.

I was with Uraraka, sighing of relif i saw a pink sticynote on the desk beside the bed. Reacing for the note and grabbing it. "Hey good morning, i went to the exam. Hope the bandages helped. You must be startving. There is some leftovers in the frige with my name on it, and pink lid. I left my historie book on the desk since i did not need it, i think you would love reading it, since you talked alot about historie on ouer way to ua. I'll be back at 15 se ya. -Uraraka" placing the note back on the desk, i looked and i was wering Urarakas jumper, the sweet of hear made my cheaks burn, but in a wierd way.

Lifting up some of the jumper i looked at all of the banges. It felt so much better than feiling ut grind against my "villan" clothing. I walked out the door and made my way to the common room, i araived after many failed atemts.

Opening the frige i saw the left over curry and grabbed it. Walking to the sofa and opening the lid. I took in the smell of actual good food. Tje leage did not exakly give me real food, i was told i was lucy to get food at all.

(Auther note, no mater what you or somone might tell you. YOU.DESEV.FOOD. if you still think you dont i will kidnapp you to my cottage, baking straberry pie)

Midnight's point of view

I was making my way over to the teachers lounge. But before i went to the school building i desided to check up on 1a's doorm. Walking up the door in see a youg student with red hair on the couch, fasing away from me.

"Arent you meant to take the exam now" i asked. The student flinched before turning around. She looked terefied at me. I could se the slight trembeling as the put the food on the coffy table.

"I am a friend of Uraraka, shr let me stay in her doorm for i few days. If you dont want me in the commen room i'll just walk back to her room" she politely and nervously asked. "Oh, no you can stay here ofcourse. It is nice to see some new faces around here" i inshured her wile making my way over to the couch. She flinshed bakwards as i sat down.

"Are you ok" i asked worridly. "Yeah" she answerd while figeting on her sleve. I got a glimse undernith the jumper and saw bandages. "Where did you get the bandages from" i gasped worrid beaond belif. "U..uraraka helpt me clean them" she whisper looking down. "No, not like that, who hurt you" asked camly.

Helo my guys, gals and non-binary pals. I am really anoing you with these cliffhangers arent i... welcome yo the copingmekanisems of a gen z.

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Bird In A Cage, Toga X Uraraka Where stories live. Discover now