29. Healing

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Third Person POV

Healing is a very slow and gradual process but if that process involves love and affection then that process doesn't seem tiresome. It's an euphoric feeling when your partner loves you and supports you in your every step of life.

Pari was going through a similar process, the bruises on her body were healed but the pain which was inflicted on her soul was healing slowly and gradually. Advik made sure to make Pari love herself. With the constant support of her in-laws and her husband Pari was able to fight her nightmares and insecurities. She learnt to cherish her present and herself. Advik made sure to encourage her at even the smallest things, complimented her numerous times in a day and he made sure that Pari tries new things in her life and comes out of her comfort zone.

It was like everyday Pari was waiting for her husband to return from office. It was instantaneously after their marriage, Advik took the responsibility of a new contract on which he was working for past one month.

It was from past one month that Advik had immersed himself in his offical work and could hardly rest. However instead of tremendous pressure from office he still made sure to spend some quality time with his wife because he was aware that he had to take gentle steps with Pari in order to heal her properly.

Mr and Mrs Sharma were not in the city as they decided to visit their relatives. It was two days back that they left for their destination. While Vihaan was helping his brother in accomplishing the new contract.

Pari was currently in her kitchen preparing dinner for both the brother's. Since the day her in-laws left to visit their relatives she decided to come early every day from the office as she had to do other chores as well.

Pari was chopping the vegetables when she heard the front door-bell ringing. She hurriedly washed her hands and dried them with a cloth, making her way towards the door.

"Hey! Bhabhi (Sis in Law) what's up? Bhabhi I am going to freshen up and in the meantime can you please serve us dinner. I am really starving." Vihaan said feeling tired.

Pari smiled and nodded towards him making Vihaan jump in excitement. He quickly took his bag and ran towards his room to get fresh.

Pari changed her gaze from Vihaan to Advik and saw him looking at her fondly.

"Hey!" Advik whispered and made his way towards the couch. He sat on it comfortably and felt sleep taking over him.

Pari hurriedly brought a glass of water from the kitchen and handed it to Advik.

"Advik here, drink this glass of water you'll feel better." Pari said still standing near him.

Advik nodded and sipped water from the glass quenching his thirst. After finishing his water he kept the glass on the opposite table and pulled Pari to sit besides him on the sofa.

"You know right that I am your boss in our office but in our home you are my boss so you need not keep on standing every time. It's your place and you are the boss here." Advik mumbled and pressed a feather like kiss on her cheek.

"I know but I am really feeling bad that I can't help you properly. I can't see you straining yourself to the point where your health is getting effected." Pari replied with a pout. She layed her head on Advik's chest while Advik's arms were wrapped around her shoulder caressing her skin softly.

"I love your concern for me but I would like to say that it's not only me who is working hard but your contribution is also huge. You work with us in the office and later you engage yourself  in house chores. You prepare healthy meal for us and to say you are performing your responsibilities perfectly would be an understatement. So far the contract is concerned then don't worry it's on the verge of completion and we will definitely succeed." Advik whispered smilingly and closed his eyes out of exhaustion.

Pari was feeling on cloud nine because of her husband's statements. The way he understands her and appreciates her every time makes her feel so flabbergasted.

"Fine! Go and freshen up and in the meantime I will serve You both dinner. I don't want to starve you anymore, so go and come quickly."  Pari encouraged Advik to freshen up while she herself went to kitchen to prepare the dinner.


"You know I love spending time with you like this." Advik whispered.

It was after having their dinner, the couple was currently having rest in their room. Advik's head was lying on Pari's chest while Pari was untying the knots formed in Advik's hair. Her fingers were lightly caressing Advik's head which was quite soothing for him. 

"Even I miss you too. Past one month has been really hectic but I like how our day starts and ends together. I don't require anything else just you and me." Pari murmured while Advik's hold on her body tightened.

"I promise the moment this contract comes to a successful end we both will go on a tour." Advik said now smiling bashfully.

"Tour?" Pari inquiried curiously.

"Yeah! Our Honeymoon tour." Advik replied.

"Wow! I am so excited. Were would we go?" Pari questioned excitingly.

"Well that's a surprise and no more questions because I won't answer them. So good night my darling." Advik smirked and immediately closed his eyes still hugging Pari's body.

"Advik-----" Pari whined and pouted. Even after her protests Advik was not revealing anything.

"Fine! Don't tell me, I hate you." Pari whispered still frowning.

"And I love you." Advik said and pecked Pari's lips catching her off guard.

Both of them felt their body light like a feather as they allowed sleep to take over them. Advik and Pari were sleeping while hugging each other, their legs and arms were over each other while their faces were adorned with beautiful smiles.

Pari's heart was at peace because Advik had finally healed her with his love.

While Advik was exuberant as his love was able to heal Pari.


Hey Guys 🌺

•How was the chapter?

•This book was all about healing a broken heart with the help of a beautiful feeling called love. Slowly and gradually Pari's broken heart is healed with Advik's love.🤧 I am so happy for them.

¶Well! This book is going to end soon, probably 5 more chapters or so.¶


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